Part 3!

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"Um, hello" I reply dryly with a normal face expression, they look scary but they can't intimidate me at all, the other one just looks stupid giving me dirty looks

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"Um, hello" I reply dryly with a normal face expression, they look scary but they can't intimidate me at all, the other one just looks stupid giving me dirty looks

The one who just spoke has black hair that is pushed backwards with what I assume to be, gel? He is tall and muscular, definitely a 6 pack guy with a scary look, but he also looks like he's the teddy bear of the family and would cuddle you to sleep, he looks nice

While the one glaring at me looks a bit younger then the first, has black hair and he looks to have soft skin form here, a piercing on his right eyebrow and his ears, they both look scary but to me it's nothing

"You've grown so much, how are you?" Mr. Softy asks and I just want to die of boredom

"I'm fine" I reply dryly again

"Well if you are ready we would love for you to come with us, the private jet is ready" He states with a small smile, he looks hurt from my behaviour

What's there to be hurt, idk you

"Ok, can we just make a stop because I need to say my goodbyes to two important people to me, and take a quick shower" I state as well and he just nods

I stand up and they take me to a very expensive car that I probably can afford, due to my mafia job, but won't buy because of mother, Lamborghini urus, the car has the face of a transformer

"who are this important people and why do you have to see them?"  Mr. glare guy finally says something and still asks in a rude tone

"Wow so you speak?" I ask and I see him glare more at me, is that even possible?

"Answer my questions" He demands, rude

"How old are you?" I ignore his demand and ask

"18, now answer" he demands again and I just enter the car and and sit in the middle of both my 'brothers', I don't miss the fact that there is another car behind us and there are a lot of bodyguards around

Guess they are filthy rich
Or mafia?
I'll ask Noah, our hacker

"My only family" I rudely reply and I see Mr. Softy shake his head about my attitude, and then I also see the hurt in their face at the mention of my only family but not them

"You've got an attitude, don't worry we'll fix it for you" mr. Glare says and I see him smirk

"I see you've lost you brain, don't worry we'll find it for you" I fake smile at him and I see him drop his smirk and roll his eyes while Mr. Softy try's not to laugh, "what's your names?" I ask him

"Enzo Guerra, second eldest, and I'm 20" Enzo answers and I smile at him, at least he's not rude

"And you Mr. Glare?" I ask tuning to the other

"Dante Gurra, last male born, 18" he reply's dryly

"Well who has an attitude now?" I ask and I notice the driver come to a stop and Enzo open the door for me and I get out, "um, you guys can wait here or come inside" I say

"No we would like to come, to make sure your ok" Enzo reply's and I just shrug my thoughts off

"Well ok, let's go" I walk up to the door and this is the house me, Naiomi and Noah live, I come here to run away from my mom and be happy with them, anyway I knock on the door and she opens it, looking at me confused on whom they are over my shoulder

"Yh sorry, Naiomi this are some of my brothers, Enzo and Dante Guerra" when I said there last names she froze and I looked at her confused

"Ok, hi, come in" she quietly says and I swear I saw a bit of nervousness in her voice, wth? She's never nervous, we 3 are the most feared around here, what's this?

"You guys can stay here and wait, come with me to pack" I say and we make our way upstairs, "what's wrong?, so you know them?" I ask worry

"You a-are a G-Guerra?" She asks and I nod, "do you know this people, they are in the most powerful and feared mafia in Italy, they are so dangerous and can get anything they want, they also kill for fun and do shipments, they are one of those shipments that we stopped" she explains and my eyes widen, the GUERRA

"The Guerra, ohhh I know now" I say realising
"Don't worry Nai, they won't do anything to me or any of us, they most love me at least a little and I'm sure they won't hurt me so don't worry, about the mafia we can talk another time, let me take a shower, call Noah for me" I ask and leave

"Ok" she yells as I close the bathroom door

Damm my family is in the mafia and they are the most powerful one, well this will be fun, I know I said that we kill for fun and do illegal stuff like, street race and fight in clubs, but we aren't a mafia or gang, we just do it and are feared, they don't know what we look like or anything they just call us the, 'tre morti' (three deaths) I think they call us that because they always see us killing and we are a trio regardless what happens

... 🎵 ...

I'm getting dressed now in my clean clothes, comfy ones because I'm pretty sure the plain will take quite some time to get to Italy

"LULU, NOAH IS HERE!" I heard my sexy momma shout for me, and I get happy to know that I can see Noah, but then realisation hit me, I'm not going to see them for a while

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"LULU, NOAH IS HERE!" I heard my sexy momma shout for me, and I get happy to know that I can see Noah, but then realisation hit me, I'm not going to see them for a while

It's not like I haven't been away from them, it's just that it's different this time

When u made my way down to the living room of our big house, I see both of my brothers glaring at Noah as he stood there awkwardly

she most have told him

"Hey Nono" I greet him with the nickname he hates, when I'm close enough he pulls me in a hug and I can't help but melt into his touch

They are the only people I accept touching me

"Hey lulu, I'm sorry for you loss, but hey! your finally free, and I see you've got some new family" he parts the hug when he sees them glaring at him even more dangerously

"Yh I guess they are my new family, but I will always love you guys only ok?" They nod in reply and I can see the hurt on my brothers face, but Dante quickly changes that to his angry face

"We need to go" he quickly says in an annoyed tone, and I roll my eyes, but soon I remember

"Ugh ok, I love you guys, bye" I wave at them and they pull me into a group hug that got be breathless, "calm down, now you've got the house to yourself, so you can fuck without me knowing" I whisper the last part knowing their secret, I wink at them and walk past the door

"WE DO NOT, AND WE LOVE YOU TOO" they yell together, I giggle and look at the two man waiting for me

"Let's go then" Enzo says

Bye bitches ✌🏽🩵

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