Part 5!

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I decided to take a shower and when I was done I sat on the window of my dorm and admired the view of this place, while I was reading one of my favourite books, it's gorgeous

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I decided to take a shower and when I was done I sat on the window of my dorm and admired the view of this place, while I was reading one of my favourite books, it's gorgeous

I decided to take a shower and when I was done I sat on the window of my dorm and admired the view of this place, while I was reading one of my favourite books, it's gorgeous

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I'm rudely interrupted by a knock on my door, "come in" I say, and soon the door is opened and I see a annoyed Dante in the way

"Come, dinner is ready" he says and I get up and walk up to him, after I got out he closed the door and we was walking when I decided to ask

"Why do you hate me?" I ask
"Pardon?" He asks

"Why do you hate me, I mean look at the way you act with me, like I killed your dog" I explain and he shakes his head

"I don't hate you"
"Then why do you act like this?"

"It's complicated, let's just go and eat dinner"he says and I soon realised we were already in the place

"Ok, this isn't done" I walk past him and enter what I assume to be the dining room

"Oh your finally here" I hear Dario say and I look at him and smile, wow I'm smiling

"Yes mr. Hugs" I joke and he chuckles

"Come and seat next to me" Manuel
"No, next to me" Dario
"Meeee" Davide

I chuckle at them and decide to sit next to Enzo, he's been the only one I trust from now, "wow I feel so especial" he puts a hand on his heart and smiled

" she choose him?"
"Wow I'm heart broken"
"I'm about to cry"

"Come on guys let her sit next to her favourite" Enzo tears and they glare at him and the other laugh except, Dante

"Guys the food is going to be served" Lorenzo announced and we all nod our heads

Soon enough the double doors are opened and a lot of maids come in with trays of foods, all from Italy

"We wanted to let you try our culture food and we chose something soft son you will get used to it" Manuel says and I smile at him

"I've been to Italy before and tried the food from here" I say and they look at me chocked

"What did you try"
"How did we not-" Marco is cut off by Lorenzo

"Um, it's alright, im chocked you've been here before, what was the reason?" He asks, I can't just tell them I've been here in missions and to ruin their shipments, that would be fun tho

"Vacation" I reply and start to eat my food when they did too, I made sure to check it before eating

"That sounds fun, what did you do while you was here?" Manuel finally speaks and I look uk at him to find him staring at me

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"That sounds fun, what did you do while you was here?" Manuel finally speaks and I look uk at him to find him staring at me

"I went to beaches, shopping, orphanages to donate for little kids and an hospital to also donate clothes and food" I don't lie about this part, when we was done with our mission we did just that in a week before going back to NY

"Oh that's interesting, it's good to know that Hoya re not some spoiled brat" he says and I just stare at him, he thought I was a what

"You thought I was a what now?" I ask with anger and I see him gulp, if looks could kill he'd be dead

"Oh shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean it" he apologise and I se gang he's truly sorry eh but I hate being called that

"Can I please be excused" I ask and all of them turn the glares they were sending to Manuel to look at me with so worry

"Are you sure you don't want finish eating" Lorenzo asks and I nod, " ok the have a great night, tomorrow we have to talk and we are taking you shopping" he says

"Shopping? I have clothes" I protest, I hate shopping, all them people around and I be just there vying no shit bc everything is shit

"Yes, and that is final" he gives me a look that says, 'don't argue' and I sigh and go to my room

10 minutes later I hear a knock on my door again and I tell the person to come in, I take the blanket from my head and see Manuel there with his apologetic face

"Lu, I'm really sorry that I called you a rat, I really didn't mean it, I want just surprised you do donations, I'm really sor-" I cut him off

"It's ok, it's not bug deal" I reassure him and smile at him, he smiles back and I see happiness in this big brown eyes, "you know, I tho you didn't like me" I say

"I do like you, god I love you, is just that after she took you, I couldn't help but close myself and never show any emotion other then anger and anger" he explains and I nod understanding

"It's ok really, I'm back now, please don't act like you don't like me" I say and he smiles while nodding

" ok sorella, you should rest, tomorrow will be a big day and I'm sure you'll be tired, good night" he says

"Good night nuel" I make a nickname for him

"Aw I love that" he smiles and I chuckle

"Ok now go" I laugh and he does too

"Ok, ok" he chuckles and goes out

Maybe it's not that bad here

Bye bitches ✌🏽🩵

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