Part 6!

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When I woke up I got a call from Naiomi and we talked about how I would keep ourselves in secret because I still couldn't trust them, we also talked about our next shipment that we will stop

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When I woke up I got a call from Naiomi and we talked about how I would keep ourselves in secret because I still couldn't trust them, we also talked about our next shipment that we will stop

The Russians

They are selling more drugs and shipping them to Florida, how stupid of them to just let their informations out there for others to hack on it

Anyway I am getting ready to go to lorenzos office because he said we need to talk, and also we have to go shopping like they said

Hell of a day it is

I'm grateful I don't have any tattoos where my brothers would notice

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I'm grateful I don't have any tattoos where my brothers would notice

I'm on the door to his office and I knock, then k hear a soft but still deep 'come in'

"You a ate stop talk" I enter and also see Manuel there smiling at me

"Yes, please sit" he said in a soft but demanding voice, I hate demands

"Yes?" I ask
"We have rules that we want you to follow" 
"Rules? That's stupid, what am I, 5?" I ask

"No sorella, it's just for manners yk" he says like I'm dumb, I mentally roll my eyes at him, "rule no1, never be rude or have an attitude with you elders, no2, don't cuss and inappropriately use your fingers to gesture something, no3, always tell us where you are going and who with, no4 never leave without permission, no5, don't disrespect, and final and most importantly no6, follow all the rules given to you" he finishes and I lol at him with wide eyes, I'll break all of them

"I can't do them"
"What do you mean you can't? You will"
" I won't, you can't force me"

"Legally I can, and you will because otherwise you'll have punishment" he growls and I roll my eyes

"Fine but whats the fun of having rules if you never break them" I sarcastically say and stand up, " I'll be wait for yall downstairs" I say and leave the office, stupid rules

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