Part 2!

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I JUST FINISHED A CALL with my beautiful pregnant wife about just the basics, since she is in our grandparents visiting and is staying there for the week because I've also got a lot of mafia work to finish

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I JUST FINISHED A CALL with my beautiful pregnant wife about just the basics, since she is in our grandparents visiting and is staying there for the week because I've also got a lot of mafia work to finish

My door is suddenly opened harshly and all of my 6 brothers come in view, "can you not fucking knock idioti" i shout and take a long sigh (idiots)

"Sorry we just wanted to talk about business" the second eldest speaks, Manuel, "what's up with our shipments" he asks and the others pay attention while also sitting down on the sofa across my office

"Well I'm not sure why they are not coming through, but I will-" before I could finish, my phone is ringing and it's form an unknown number

"Weird, put it on speaker" Dario, one of the twins speaks, I give them all a look to be quiet

When I answer the phone call a male voice speaks

"Hello? Am I speaking to Lorenzo Guerra?" The voice asks and I raise and eyebrow, what's this?

"Yes" I reply coldly and I hear him gulp

"Well I am sorry to bother your time but, Maria Guerra was found dead this morning" at the mention of that name me and my brothers all tense up, the woman who was supposed to be our mother who took away our only happiness and the little person who made us believe in love and affection, our little sorella (sister)

She is everything to us and we can't seem to find her, so that we can bring her back to us, we've been looking for 16 years and still no sign of her in the whole map of this world, she took her when she was only 1 and never cared to think about our feelings and how we will survive without her on our side, we still suffer from her disappearance and we can't help but turn that sadness into anger over time

Some of us were too young to remember about her and how she was, especially the twins and the younger brother, they were too young to remember but they can still feel the pain of loosing her, we all felt like she took half of our hearts with her along the way and we would like to take it back from along with her coming too

If she ever comes back I'm sure two of the brothers won't really welcome her, and that's because they can't show their emotions after she left, they just can't, but they still love her till the end of their lives and they would do anything for her, I think they would just need time

"Ok, but why did you call officer" I guesses he was an officer because who else would find my business number and dare to call the leader of the most powerful and feared Italian mafia?

No -fucking- one

"Um, well I've got here with me at the moment miss Luna Guerra, and for her not to go to an orphanage, I was wondering if you and your brothers would like to take her in for this next year until she turns 18 and be illegal for her to live her own life?" We all gasped and I'm sure some of us can't breath well

Our sorella is alive
She is fine
We can have her back

"L-Luna?" I stutter a bit still in chock and my brothers look at me in disbelief as my voice almost breaks

"Y-yes sir, she is just here and is still waiting for me to go and tell her the news" he explains "would you like to take her in sir?" He asks

"Of course, of course we would love that, can you just send me the location?" I ask and hang up after his 'yes sir'

"Our sorella is finally coming back?" Enzo asks and I see tears in his eyes, everyone's expect the people that can't show emotions, Marco & Dante, the third eldest and the last male born, but you can still see the relief, happiness and hurt in their eyes

"Yes, our principessa is coming back" I say and a tear drops on my cheeks, and they look at me with wide eyes because I'm the one to never cry

"Omg I'm so excited, I can't wait to do everything with her, I'll baby her and, and-" Davide cuts his twin off

"Um, you've got to share her bro" he chuckles and we all smile at the thought of what we will do with her when she comes back

"Where did that woman take her" Marco finally speaks and I see anger in his voice

I open my emails and check that all of this years she was in, NY, "in fucking New York" I spit out in anger

"Weren't we there last month" marco asks and I just hear more anger in his voice

"We was, but lets not talk about this, I want Enzo and Dante to go and get her in this location"

"Ugh why me?" Dante asks and I glare at him

"Because I fucking said so" I shout in anger, I do t care if he can't show his emotions, he will not treat our baby sis like she means nothing to him, we all know he have cried before when she left

"Ok" he abruptly says and I try my best to ignore his rudeness and focus on getting her back

Bye bitches ✌🏽🩷

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