Part 4!

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We were still in the plane when I am suddenly woken up by two voices that came from my brothers, but those few words were in Russian

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We were still in the plane when I am suddenly woken up by two voices that came from my brothers, but those few words were in Russian

sadly they don't know that I speak 7 languages

I keep my eyes closed pretending to still be asleep, so I can hear what they are saying

"что будем делать с грузами, которые не прибыли?" Dante asks ("what will we do with the shipments that has not arrived?")

"я слышал, что их остановили «тре-морти», я просто не уверен, как мы собираемся их вернуть" Enzo reply's and I open my eyes a little bit to see Dante nodding, he then looks at me but I'm quick to close my eyes and it looks like he didn't notice me ("I heard they were stopped by the 'tre-morti', I'm just not sure how we're going to get them back")

"ehm, quindi è davvero tornata?" He asks and I recognise that as Italian, dam such deep voice ("um so she is actually back?")

"sì, e ora sono la persona più felice del mondo, è mancata a tutti noi, e so che anche a te è mancato" Enzo says and I just know his smirking and Dante is rolling his eyes at him ("yes, and now I'm the happiest person in the world, we all missed her, and I know you missed her too")

"Yh Yh, whatever helps you sleep" Dante reply's in English now

"Come on let's wake her up, we are landing" I hear Enzos deep voice speak, and I start to fake wake up

"Shit, she's already waking up" Dante whispers

"sorellina, did we wake you up, we're sorry" Enzo apologies, and I mentally curse myself for being mean to him

Ik it sounds unreal
But I have a heart, at least most of the times

"No, I just started to wake up, are we there yet?" I ask and he nods his head while I feel someone's gaze on me

"How did you sleep?" He asks and try's to sound like he doesn't care but I know he does, I smirk

"Awe look who is already caring" I tease and I see his cheek blush but he glares at me

"Yh whatever" he dryly reply's and turns the other way to avoid eye contact, I turn to Enzo

"Don't mind him, he doesn't show emotion, it's hard for him to believe your finally back" he whispers and I giggle

Maybe this will be fun

... 🎵 ...

We are currently walking out of the private jet my rich brothers have, and I am quite excited to see the others, I want to see how they are with me and if they like me

We are currently walking out of the private jet my rich brothers have, and I am quite excited to see the others, I want to see how they are with me and if they like me

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"Come on sorella, they are so excited to see you again" Enzo speaks and I just nod my head following them and got in the car

After 2 hours of driving

"We have arrived Mr. Guerra" the driver speaks and as soon as he parks the car Dante is the first to open the door and get out

"Some is in a hurry" I tease and he roll his eyes and leads me to the front door as Enzo follows behind, I make sure to notice how he is looking around a lot

"How many brothers do I have?" I suddenly ask remembering how they've mentioned more of them

"Well, 7 brothers" Enzo replies and I choke on my own saliva, dam

"That woman won't keep her legs closed?" I ask myself but I'm sure Dante asked heard me because he chuckled

"Well I'm glad she didn't" he whispered and I'm sure it was to himself but I heard it and I smiled at that


I soon as Dante opened the door and yelled calling out for the others, I heard so many footsteps, that I didn't even know who they were from, then in view came 5 tall figures that im assuming are my so called brothers came in and one of them started running up to me

"Omg it's really you, I can't believe it" the guy running opened his arms and was about to hug me when I put one of my hands up to stop him

Omg the embarrassment, help

"I'm sorry, it's just I don't like being hugged or touched" I explain and put that arm around my other, with my blank face

"Oh im sorry, I should have asked, I guess I just too excited" he awkwardly said and rubbed the back of his head, omg I feel so bad

wtf is wrong with me

"Um, it's ok" I say and smile a bit to be reassuring, he smiles back and the I look at the others who are looking at me with love, happiness, confusion, and relief?

"Guys let's introduce ourselves to our sorella" Enzo says and him and Dante go next to the others while I stay there, awkward

"Hello sorellina, my name is Lorenzo, I'm the eldest, 28 and I am really happy that you are back to us" a business man speaks with a big smile on his face but I can also hear his deep voice that he probably uses 24/7

"Hi bambolina, my name is Manuel, I'm the second eldest, 27 and I am trialled to have you back" a buzz cut guy speaks and I all of the tattos on his neck and right arm, dam man has no pain

"Hi, my name is marco, I'm the third eldest, 25 and I'm glad that you are back" a dark brown haired man says and I see all the tattos on his neck, he is just another Dante but this one is the sad one

"Hi, you already know your favourite" Enzo says and I chuckle at him, his definitely the only one I don't hate so far

"Hi there principessa, I'm Davide and this is Dario, we are twins and we are the fourth borns, 19, and we can't wait to do everything with you, we will have so much fun" I then see two boys who look but at the same time don't look so similar, but you can tell or guess they are twins

"You already know me" Dante says and I roll my eyes at him

"Well hi, I'm Luna the last and only girl, 17 and I'm still discovering how I feel about being back" I responded and they just nod not amused or happy, that I'm happy already

"Well we don't want to overwhelm you principessa, so Enzo can show you to your room so you can rest" Lorenzo speaks and I nod my head while following Enzo

"You will be ok, we promise" I hear Enzo say to me on our way there, he opens the door and I gasp at this incredible room, "hope you like it princess, we all decorate especially for you, I'll call you for dinner, take a rest" he smiles and walks out closing the door

"You will be ok, we promise" I hear Enzo say to me on our way there, he opens the door and I gasp at this incredible room, "hope you like it princess, we all decorate especially for you, I'll call you for dinner, take a rest" he smiles and walks o...

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" Damm bitch" I whisper and jump on the bed

Bye bitches ✌🏽🩵

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