1. Restraint

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Katniss's POV

I feel myself starting to stir and groan as I try to sit up. All of me aches. I shudder and fall back to a lying position. Why can't I sit up? I try again but am faced with the same situation where I can't sit any higher, that's when I notice it. My hands and legs are bound to the bed. Why am I tied down? The last thing I remember ... the last thing was shooting the forcefield. The quell!

I feel by breathing growing irratic. Ok Katniss. Calm down and think this through.

Ok so I was in the arena and Johanna cut out my tracker, the blood was pouring down my arm. I remember her telling me to stay hidden but she ran off so I stood up and shakily tried to follow after her. That was when I heard people screaming and dove to hide behind some bushes.

Someone rushed through the trees causing all the leaves to scrunch but they stopped to whisper, "Johanna?" I think it was Finnick, but whoever it was ran away after they got no response. I left it a few seconds before climbing out from where I was hiding, slinging my bow and arrows over my shoulder and running towards the lightning tree. If Peeta was going to be anywhere he'd be there. As I got closer to the tree I loaded my bow and treaded lightly as to not bring any attention to myself in case anyone else was around that I didn't want to see me. No Peeta.

"Johanna!" I hear Finnick shout again. I recall wondering why he was so desperate to get to Johanna, after all she had just sliced me with a knife , they clearly weren't playing allies anymore so I lift my bow and aim it towards Finnick. I can see him scanning the area and he must be able to see my arrow as he shouts over to me, "Katniss! Remember who the real enemy is!" Yeah you I was thinking, but when I gave it a bit more thought it clicked what he meant. Snow. The Capitol. The ones who sent us back in here in the first place.

I stood there thinking for a while, it's time to do something to fight back. To defy the Capitol. I ran out from where I was hiding, not caring who heard me this time I picked up the end of coil that was protruding from the tree and wrapped it around one of my arrows and aimed it at the forcefield. The thunder started rolling in so I knew it was almost time for the lightening.

3...2... My thoughts were interrupted by Finnick shouting at me, "Katniss! Get away from that..." ...1. I released the arrow into the air and only a second later the lightening struck firing through the wire and slamming into the forcefield sending me flying. That's the last thing I remember before waking up.

Well what I do know is that I'm alone. I didn't find Peeta and wherever I am is painfully white. Everything in the room was white; the bed, the walls even my restraints. So who do I know that would not only save me from the arena but also have me tied down so that I cannot move. Somebody who clearly wants something from me.

I look around the room for a clue as to where I am, that's when I see them. The white roses. Sat in a vase next to my bed, their sickly sweet scent seems to penetrate the room as I recognise their presence. So I'm in the Capitol. With Snow.

I can hear voices outside my room someone is talking. I listen closely to them to see if I can hear what has gone on. "Mr President? She's awake." OK not quite what I wanted to hear, it seems I may have a visitor. Well I have some questions for old Cornelius Snow.

"Thank you, Zarina. I will head in." He doesn't say anything for a minute, I assume as he walks towards my room. "Open it up," he commands. There must be avoxes outside my room to make sure no one enters, or more than likely so that I cannot leave. "And make sure no one else enters this room without my permission. I want to speak with her... Alone." Some keys rattle and the lock clicks as it unlocks. A second later the door opens and there he stands.

"President Snow."

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