3. Explaining occurrences

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Peeta's POV

I wake up and my head is pounding. Where am I, I wonder as nothing seems recognisable to me. I'm lay on a cold floor surrounded by metal machinery, listening for any sign of where I might be when I hear voices that I recognise. One is easily recognisable as Haymitch, his graspy voice sounds like he hasn't had alcohol in a few days. Another is Finnick, he doesn't sound his usual happy self mind. There is another voice that I just can't pinpoint. It is someone I have heard before but not enough to trigger a memory of who they are. I pull myself up to stand, holding onto the nearest thing as support before walking through the door behind me in search of the people behind the voices.

The door slides open and there three men stand at the top of a table. I recognise the third voice as soon as I see him, Plutarch the head game maker. What is he doing here?! Wherever here is.

"Ah Peeta you're awake," Haymitch says beckoning me over to them, "You've been out for a few hours."

"Yes I figured by the pounding of my head when I first woke up," I try to make a joke of it but nobody is showing any emotion.

"Yes, Beetee said you were thrown quite far after the blast went off."

"And what blast was that?" The only thing I knew of was the coil being wrapped around the lightening tree and fed down to the water but that wouldn't have caused a blast.

"After Katniss and Johanna were ambushed Katniss came back to the lightening tree and tied the coil around one of her arrows and shot it at the forcefield, that's what caused the blast as the roof caved in," Finnick answers me.

"So where is she? What happened? Where is everyone else?" These and many other questions circle around my head as I don't remember myself what happened.

"Calm down boy. As Finnick said the blast went out but before Finnick left you he cut out your tracker. Do you remember that much?" I nod as I do as I remember shouting at him for doing it.

"Well after I cut yours out I did the same with mine. If anything was going to happen I don't want anyone knowing where we were. It was something Johanna and I had planned so I'm sure she would have done the same for Katniss. But anyway after I cut out your tracker I headed on the lookout for the girls after I heard shouting. This was when I ran into Katniss. She had headed back to the lightening tree to look for you and let's just say she was not exactly happy that instead she found me," I can't help but laugh a little as I know that's exalt what Katniss would be like, "Katniss went to shoot me but there was one thing Haymitch had told me before I went in to the arena it was only fitting that he would have said it to her."

"Remember who the real enemy is." I interject knowing exactly what Finnick means.

Haymitch chuckles, "Well I'm glad you two do listen to me sometimes."

"After I said that to her it must have made some sense as she picked up the coil and wrapped it around one if her arrows before shooting it at the top if the dome if the arena."

"This strategy all be it not the way it went down has been planned for months. The rebellion is happening but people just need to see that they are not fighting alone," Plutarch adds.

"So you knew something was going to happen all along? That's why you made us form allies with these guys,"I say to Haymitch.

" I didn't know exactly when it was going to happen but yes I needed to make sure you two would even last that long."

I sigh knowing Haymitch is right. It wasn't exact that Katniss and I would lat this long in the games if it wasn't for the others Finnick especially. I couldn't fight for us both and Katniss hardly could in her condition so I nod at Haymitch so that he knows I understand why he did it. "Where's Katniss I want to speak with her."

"Peeta there were some... Complications." Plutarch says to me.

"Haymitch?" He just shrugs his shoulders,"You son of a ..!" I feel a smack across my head as Finnick hits me but I ignore him and turn back to Haymitch, "You swore that you would get her out of there safe! It's her that should be standing here not me! Do what are you telling me that you don't know where she is? Whether she's dead or alive?!"

"Son calm down will you! We went straight to where she last was at the tree but she was at the heart of the blast so could have been thrown anywhere and without her tracker we he no way of detecting her. We found Finnick not too far from the tree as he was able to shade himself from the blast by moving behind a large tree and if it wasn't for Beetee only removing his own tracker after the blast had occurred we wouldn't have even been able to find the two of you! So no I couldn't save her! But I know she's alive and I know she is in the Capitol, she's even most likely with Johanna. So will you calm yourself down!"

Calm down? He honestly wants me to calm down? He has lost my fiancée has no idea how she is doing other than she's alive and he probably hasn't even thought about the baby as he thought it was all a scam. I can't even bare to think his name. I want nothing to do with him right now. "How do you even know she's alive! Or are you just saying it to shut me up?"

"I know she is because they need her as much as we do! They will need her to try and squash this rebellion and they will use her to their advantage."

"I'm going." I announce before storming out of the room in search of a friendly face. One that may understand how I'm feeling. Even if I don't exactly know where I am yet.

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