10. After all this time

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Katniss's POV

I start to come around and find myself once again in a white room, not much unlike my cell except now I am tied to a chair. "Now this seems strangley familiar don't you think?" I say to the figure sat in the corner.

"Be thankful you got a chair and aren't just chained to the wall Miss Everdeen," the voice spits and I now recognise as Snow's.

"Now that wouldn't be very hospitable of you now would it," I say with a wince as I try to sit myself from my hunched position when I notice the bruises along my arms and chest. "Beating a pregnant girl? I guess you don't have a good bone in your body hey Cornelius?"

"Oh don't worry my dear, I wouldn't do it to you myself, I have some decorum. I just make the orders, others carry them out for me. So in this my hands are clean Miss Everdeen."

"If you are going to call me by name at least call me Katniss," I almost growl in reply. When I get out of his captivity he better hope he is already dead as the last words he will hear are that I'm Mellark. "So how long have I been out?"

"Oh only about a week..." He says with a smirk.

"A week? Let's guess one of your little tricks that you have Annie?"

He just chuckles, "Well we couldn't have you waking up during your ordeal."

My first thoughts go to my baby, "What have you done!" I scream and start writing in the bounds of my chair to try and get free.

"Calm down Miss..." I stop instantly to glare at him and he changes his words ,"Katniss. Your baby hasn't been touched. We made a deal didn't we?" We did. Even if he expects me to pacifify the districts by my track record I'm pretty sure I will just make things worse.

"So why have me beaten and bruised then?"

"Well I can hardly harm your precious Peeta can I? So you were the next best thing," he says with a grin.

"You will never be able to harm Peeta ever again. He is far away from here and away from your clutches."

"Well I cannot harm him physically although mentally I'm pretty positive I can ..."

"What do you mean?" I say interrupting.

"Well how do you think he is doing knowing that his beloved Katniss and unborn baby are here in the Capitol whole he is all alone back in thirteen." He's right. Here I am worrying about the little one when I know Peeta will be doing the same except even more frantically knowing there is nothing that he can do for either of us. "Exactly. Oh dear Katniss. Thinking of ourselves once again were we?"

There is a knock on the door, "Ah yes I almost forgot. I organised a little trip for you to see how the baby is doing, so your prep team is here to make you look presentable." He says as he stands up and the door opens up, my prep team shuffling in," I'll leave you too it," he says to my team before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

None of them say a word for the whole time they are in the room with me. They're like ghosts of their past selves, all pale and gaunt looking so god knows what I looked like before they started working on me. When they have finished preping me and all that is left is for me to get ready Octavia begins to untie the bounds that have kept me in the chair. When she unties the last one from around my ankle she stands up and holds her hand out to me to help me up.

I open my mouth to speak but she just shakes her hands in an attempt to stop me before I even try. I don't understand why I can't speak but since its my fault they are in this message I don't want to make things any worse then they already are so I just nod my head slightly and grab Octavia's hand and she pulls me up.

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