Chapter 7

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On the last rehearsal before the concert, Karouji comes as a boy, not dressed as Yurina; he explains to an angry Mulan that the therapy has turned him around, Yurina is now just a character, a disguise for playing in the punk band; in any case he wants to remain friends with Mulan. Mulan feels betrayed and is again assailed by his existential rage. Suddenly, the dapper man brings the news of Cowboy's suicide. Mulan locks herself in the bathroom, shocked and in despair.

Meanwhile, at the clinic, Dr. Bertini has managed - through his work in recording and classifying hospital records - to find the medical record of Yurina Ootani's hospitalization, but the cause of death is suspiciously left blank. The rest is written in Japanese: he makes a photocopy of the document, goes in search of someone who can translate it for him. At the end of a corridor he meets Saverio, without recognizing him. Saverio is looking for the doctor responsible for the 'normalization' of Yurina. As soon as Dr. Bertini recognizes him as the student of Japanese he met at the school, asks him to translate the copied document. Saverio is able to read that Yurina arrived at the hospital with red eyes and was later taken to forensic medicine; then questions the doctor, accusing him of the 'conversion' of Yurina. Dr. Bertini understands only now (the blue forelock!) that the Karouji of his therapy and Saverio's Yurina are the same person, and also realizes that his 'successful' therapy cut Saverio off, and thrashed his love. The doctor offers his help, Saverio refuses, leaves, then goes back: Dr. Bertini has left, but forgot his cell phone, Saverio decides to bring it back to him. But at the address Mario Bertini gave him when they met at the school he finds a bar-girl hostess, who is evidently having an affair with the doctor. As he returns home Saverio reflects on the fact that even the doctor, with all its philosophy and paternalism, is just another old man screwed by passion; anyway he is consoled by the marked improvement in his Japanese: without realizing it, he conversed quite fluently with the girl.

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