19. A Question Left Unanswered

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Just a matter of time before deadly chaos would ensue.
And she had already seen how close the spirit had gotten to achieving a bit of its goal already, and it wasn't even in full control yet.

She had fought someone who she had known for a long time, and loved dearly; Yunjin.

And Eunchae had nearly killed her with her bare hands.


Time: 23:34, October 20

Niki sat on the top bunk, solemn, his head bowed low. The bag of chips was on the floor, completely empty.
He wiped away the tears with his sleeve, leaving it completely drenched. Niki had wanted nothing more than to just shut himself out from them.

It was like whatever he did, they hated him for it. Even his own existence was despised by Sunghoon.
And he knew why.
He had started with a bad impression. A very bad one.
Yet, he had thought about coming clean with everyone after their trip, but the possibility of that happening seemed dim. Sunghoon would never open up to him now.

Niki sobbed into his sleeve, his eyes starting to hurt from the amount of crying he had done over the last hours.

He heard someone mumble from the bunk below him.
"Niki... Do you want me to get some more snacks for you?"

Jake quietly climbed out of his bed, picking up the wrapper from the floor and peeking up to Niki.
The room was quite dim, and the others were already in bed. But Jake had stayed up, as he had been listening into Niki's sobs.
He had waited for Niki to go to bed first.

Niki hid his face behind his hair, looking down at his tear-drenched sweater cuffs.
He didn't try to respond.

Jake let out a small sigh.
"Why are you still upset about it? Nothing Sunghoon said was true, it's not your fault, and you're not useless, Niki. Please, trust me."

Niki just sat there, and shook his head.

"Just let it go for now, okay? Please. Just get some rest. I'm sure we'll be able to have a chat with Sunghoon tomorrow. A nice chat." Jake told him, his voice trying to be comforting.

Without any more to say, Jake threw the packet in the bin and climbed back into his bed.
"Go to sleep, Niki." he mumbled.

And he turned off the night lamp, shrouding the room in darkness.


Time: 03:47, October 21

Eunchae stirred awake, woken by the fall of a raindrop on her head. She looked up. The cement of the balcony material above her was cracked in the middle, allowing a small stream of water to pass through, due to the rain falling upon it.

She huddled closer to the wall.
It was cold and dark. The street lamps were dimmed, and the bottom of her uniform was soaked on the damp ground.

It was all suffering. Everything in store for her was suffering.
The spirit would almost taunt her, letting her gain control sporadically, but only at times when she was physically hurt, or when there was nobody around to kill.

It's possession was like a ticking time bomb, and when it exploded, chaos would always ensue.
Like bringing someone to their demise.

But, for now, the time was still ticking.

Eunchae wiped her tired eyes, ridding them from the gunk and dried blood that had built up.
But she noticed something.

Her hands.
They were healed. Fully. No wound, nothing.

It was like magic. Nobody, not even a hunter, could heal this quickly on their own.
That's because of the spirit.

Spirits are strong, and can heal abnormally quick. Even if Eunchae was still in control of herself, the side effects had still kicked in, as she was possessed.

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