52. Fearless

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The noise was coming from very, very close to them.
Just by the ceiling.

It was coming from the circular skylight window above them.

Sakura looked up.
Through the glass, she could see them.

The two glowing red eyes that stared back at her.


Her heart gripped her chest. An immense wave of fear encased her body, so much so that it nearly felt paralysing.
She felt like her legs were about to give up from under her, and her jaw started to tremble. Every breath she took was ragged from horror, and they were shaky. Sakura felt as if her lungs had been overcome by an immense amount of weight in the air.

She felt like she couldn't breathe.
It was like a spewing hatred was radiating through the glass.
Where Eunchae was.

She was here.
The girl had found them.

And she was staring right at Sakura.

Her eyes were full of rage, but yet her lips twisted into a hysterical grin.
The darkness of the outside casting cast shadows upon her, making her look like a monster.
Maybe it was because she was one.

Eunchae mouthed two words through the glass.

"Found you."

The girl reared back her hand.
Sakura screamed.


Sakura pushed Chaewon to the ground. Mounds and shards of glass rained on them from the ceiling, the sound echoing all the way down the rooms and ringing in their ears.
The two landed on the ground with a thud, sprawling.

Chaewon had her hands over her ears, and there was a large cut across the side of her face, where an airborne shard had cut her. Sakura had her eyes shut tightly, and she was clutching the side of her arm, where there was a piece of glass lodged into it.

Sakura struggled to her feet, desperately pulling up Chaewon.
"Come on- We need to go-"

She kept her bleeding arm to her side, and kept her blade in her good hand.
They needed to get as far away as they could from Eunchae. Or she'd kill them then and there.

They sprinted as far as they could, but soon enough, a noise erupted behind them as Eunchae jumped down to the floor.

They stared at her, horrorstruck. She was standing upon the patch where there was broken glass, her hysterical smile and manic eyes never leaving sight of them.
Her hands were covered in red blood, and her fingers were claws. Black veins were surging up her neck, bulging at her temples.

Soon, two swords were pointed at her, as Chaewon and Sakura stood side by side, in a defensive position.
They slowly backed away, trying to make for the door to Sakura's room, where they hoped they'd be able to buy themselves extra time.

But Eunchae wasn't having it.
She wasn't here to play cat and mouse.
She was here to fight and kill.

And they knew it too.

Eunchae let out a shrill screech, and advanced on them.
She went in for a punch at Sakura's head, but the girl ducked out of the way, slicing at her leg. Eunchae instead punched the door which had been behind her, and it was blasted off its hinges, the debris toppling to the ground.

The spirit let out an inhuman growl.
Eunchae's leg had been cut at the side, and the dark blood was dripping to the floor at her boots.
She swivelled around to face Sakura again, who went in with a sideways swing.

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