Whispers and Welcomes

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Caroline's nerves reached an unprecedented high as the impending arrival of Hogwarts students loomed less than an hour away. Confused and feeling somewhat adrift, she found herself in the Great Hall, surrounded by teachers who seemed equally stressed. Professor McGonagall, in particular, was in a whirlwind of activity, likely due to the imminent influx of students, including the eager first years.

In this state of uncertainty, Caroline's gaze wandered to an old man casually seated at the long table. As if sensing her unease, he looked up, offering a warm smile and gesturing for her to join him. Intrigued, she walked over, the atmosphere around her buzzing with anticipation.

"Stressed?" he inquired, a gentle concern evident in his voice.

"Quite a lot," Caroline admitted. "I just don't know what I should do right now."

A reassuring chuckle escaped the old man's lips. "Well, you've got plenty of time. The students will be out of the train in about 30 minutes, but it'll take a while for them to get here."

Caroline nodded in understanding. "That's right. I think I might go for a walk to clear my mind a little."

"An excellent idea, Caroline. Just don't venture into the Forbidden Forest," he cautioned, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. With a grateful smile, Caroline bid farewell to the headmaster, feeling a sense of calm wash over her as she embarked on a solitary stroll, preparing for the bustling energy about to descend upon Hogwarts.

Stepping out of the school, Caroline felt an immediate pull towards the lake. There was something enchanting about lakes, especially when nestled amidst hills or mountains. It was this love for such serene landscapes that had led her to choose a life in Italy, residing in a quaint village. While she had contemplated hiding away in Austria or Switzerland, the allure of having mountains, lakes, and the sea all in close proximity made Italy her near-perfect haven.

While reveling in the tranquility of nature, Caroline was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, she beheld a towering man standing a few meters away, slowly making his way towards her. Despite the disheveled appearance, with a long beard and an air that hinted at days without a shower, there was something about his presence that didn't instill fear in Caroline.

"You must be Caroline, right?" he inquired.

"Yes," she responded cautiously, unsure of his identity.

"I'm Hagrid. It's nice to meet you," he replied, a warm smile concealed beneath his beard. Turning slightly toward the lake, Caroline asked in a hushed tone, "How did he react when you told him? Was he mad at me?"

"Oh, no, he wasn't. I've never seen this boy so happy before in my life. He was a bit annoyed that Dumbledore didn't let you two see each other before today, but that's all. There's nothing to worry about," Hagrid reassured, placing a cheerful hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks, that helped a lot, Hagrid," she said, looking up at him with a grateful smile.

"Well, sorry, Caroline, but I need to go to the train station now. We'll probably see each other at dinner, during the sorting. Oh, and if you were thinking about going for a swim, better don't. There are sirens in this water."

"Thanks and bye, Hagrid!" she called out as he made his way towards the train station, the newfound assurance easing her worries about the imminent reunion with her brother.

Continuing her stroll for a few minutes, she eventually discovered the perfect secluded spot behind a small hill, shielded from prying eyes. "Finally," she sighed with relief as she settled down, leaning against a tree. Her hands rummaged through her pockets until she unearthed what she was searching for. Placing the cigarette between her lips, she lit it, finding the momentary solace she had sought over the last two days.

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