Drugs make you feel good

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Caroline had reached a point where she no longer cared. The hallways of Hogwarts bore witness to her indifferent strides, and even the sight of Harry failed to elicit a reaction. His attempts to engage in conversation were met with a resolute silence, as if Caroline had built an impenetrable wall around herself. The once-shared camaraderie with fellow Gryffindors had dwindled, reduced to interactions with only a select few.

Hermione became a confidante during these turbulent times, and the mischievous twins, Fred and George, managed to draw a few reluctant words from her. Their peculiar inquiries, a trademark of the twins, served as a temporary distraction, if only for a moment. Yet, the reluctance to engage with others remained.

It was with Mattheo that Caroline found solace. In his presence, the facade crumbled, and the emotions she bottled up spilled out. Betrayal, a bitter pill to swallow, fueled her tears. Mattheo became the receptacle for her heartache, a trusted confidant in whom she could bare her soul. The depth of the betrayal weighed heavily on her, leaving her no choice but to release the pent-up anguish in his presence.

Caroline trudged through the day with a heavy heart, the weight of her emotions casting a somber shadow over every moment. Theodore, despite his earlier moment of unexpected kindness, did little to alleviate the difficulties of her day. The promise that she shouldn't get used to his niceness echoed in her mind, creating a lingering hope that, perhaps, there was more kindness hidden beneath his usual demeanor.

Unfortunately, Theodore lived up to his reputation. Instead of offering a reprieve, he seemed compelled to embrace his role as an instigator of frustration. His words cut through the air, carrying the sting of his usual brashness. Caroline found herself yearning for a change, even a small one, in Theodore's approach, but it seemed that breaking away from his typical demeanor was a challenge he was unwilling to undertake.

Despite her promise to Mattheo that she would improve, Caroline found herself ensnared in the clutches of her struggles. The previous night unfolded in the solitude of the prefects' bathroom, where the cold floor bore witness to the turmoil within her. Thighs marked with self-inflicted wounds and the haze of LSD painted a poignant picture of her internal battles.

Desperate for a change, Caroline decided to experiment with something new. However, she approached this venture with caution, determined not to compound her challenges. While still in Italy, she had stumbled upon a potion that claimed to prevent addiction to certain substances. It was a remedy she had used sparingly in the past, a lifeline in moments of temptation.

Reflecting on her past choices, Caroline couldn't escape the realization that, at times, she had allowed herself to succumb to peer pressure and experimentation. The memory of trying heroin for the first time lingered, a choice made under the influence of friends who failed to consider the consequences. As she grappled with the complexities of her own actions, Caroline questioned whether her past decisions were a manifestation of recklessness or an attempt to fill an emotional void. The potion, a bittersweet ally in her quest for control, held the promise of a potential safeguard against the allure of destructive substances.

Caroline's experiment with LSD didn't yield the solace she had hoped for; instead, it brought forth a torrent of unpleasant side effects. As the psychedelic substance coursed through her veins, she found herself grappling with the harsh reality of its impact on her body and mind.

The initial surge of sensations was far from the blissful escape she had envisioned. A feverish rise in temperature gripped her, creating the illusion that her body was engulfed in flames. Accompanying this physical distress, Caroline was plagued by searing headaches that mirrored the turmoil within her mind. The negative emotions that had fueled her decision seemed to amplify, casting a dark shadow over her psychedelic journey.

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