fuck off, Potter

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Caroline's frustration with Umbridge was evident in the way she spoke, her voice carrying a mixture of irritation and exasperation. The atmosphere in the room grew tense as the conversation turned to the oppressive presence of Professor Umbridge, with each member of the group expressing their disdain for her in their own way.

"Yeah, she's always lurking around like some sort of vulture," Astoria chimed in, her usually calm demeanor giving way to a hint of agitation.

Pansy nodded vehemently in agreement, her lips twisting into a scowl. "And she's got this way of looking at you like you're something she's just scraped off her shoe. It's positively revolting."

Theodore, who had been uncharacteristically quiet throughout the discussion, remained aloof, his expression unreadable. His silence spoke volumes, adding an air of solemnity to the room as his friends continued to vent their frustrations.

Caroline glanced at Theodore, noting the distant look in his eyes, but said nothing. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was bothering him, something deeper than just their collective annoyance with Umbridge. 

Caroline's attempt to reach out to Theodore was met with unexpected hostility, his sharp retort cutting through the air like a knife. She felt a surge of frustration at his dismissive attitude, her concern for him quickly giving way to irritation.

"(It.) What are you looking at?" he asked rudely as Caroline was watching him closely trying to figure out what's wrong.

Caroline snapped out of her thoughts at his words and she felt her blood slowly boil. She was the only one caring even a little bit and that's what she gets from him.

"(It.) What's wrong with you? Why are you acting so weird after the summer?" Caroline asked softly trying to keep him calm, but Theodore seemed to choose the rude side.

"(It.) Fuck off," Theodore said even ruder this time and rolled his eyes, before focusing them on something else in the room.

"(It.)What's gotten into you, Nott?" Caroline's voice was tinged with a mixture of frustration and concern as she confronted him head-on. "(It.)You've been acting off ever since the summer, and frankly."

"(It.) I said fuck off, Potter," Theodore's response was brusque, his words laced with a sharp edge that grated against Caroline's nerves. She felt her temper flare at his dismissive tone, but she forced herself to remain calm, refusing to stoop to his level.

"Fine, be that way," Caroline muttered under her breath, her irritation simmering just beneath the surface. She turned away from Theodore, unwilling to engage further in his petty games.

Despite her frustration, Caroline made a conscious effort to refocus her attention on the conversation about Umbridge, determined not to let Theodore's rudeness ruin the mood. But even as she tried to push aside her concerns, a nagging sense of unease lingered in the back of her mind, unresolved and unsettling.

"Yeah, yeah, she is weird, but Caroline what's wrong with your brother? He's even weirder than before," Draco said with a mean grin, his words dripping with sarcasm as he glanced at Caroline.

Caroline narrowed her eyes at Draco's comment, feeling a surge of annoyance at his attempt to provoke her. She bit back a sharp retort, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a reaction.

"As if I know. He's barely around," Caroline retorted, her tone laced with frustration as she dismissed Draco's inquiry.

"That's good though," Pansy chimed in with a sly grin, her words adding fuel to the fire.

Caroline shot Pansy a glare, sensing that both Draco and Pansy were intentionally trying to get a rise out of her. She couldn't understand why they were fixating on her brother, but a nagging feeling gnawed at the back of her mind, suggesting that there might be more to Harry's behavior than met the eye.

"Well, but anyways guys. Let's do something fun," Blaise declared, his mischievous grin widening as he reached into his pockets. Caroline's attention was drawn away from her troubled thoughts by his excitement, and she couldn't help but anticipate what he had in store.

As Blaise withdrew a massive joint from his pocket, a collective gleam lit up in everyone's eyes. The prospect of indulging in some recreational activity lifted their spirits, offering a temporary escape from the tension that had been building in the room.

"Caroline, do your magic," Blaise requested with a playful glint in his eyes, directing his gaze towards her. Without hesitation, Caroline obliged, brandishing her wand with a flourish.

With a swift flick of her wrist, a window materialized in the air, while the door leading to the outside world vanished from sight. Caroline leaned against the bed, watching with a sense of satisfaction as Blaise ignited the joint, filling the room with a fragrant haze.

Mattheo, catching onto the relaxed atmosphere, rose from his seat and switched on some music, setting the mood for their impromptu gathering.

As the joint made its rounds, filling the room with a fragrant haze, the tension seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of euphoria and camaraderie. Laughter bubbled up among the friends as they shared stories and jokes, momentarily forgetting the weight of their concerns.

Caroline watched the swirling patterns of smoke dance in the air. She couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity for the way Theodore acts. Despite the fact, that he has always been rude to her, he has never been that towards the rest of the friend group.

Glancing over at him, she noticed Theodore sitting apart from the group, his expression guarded and distant. She could see the lines of tension etched into his features, a stark contrast to the carefree atmosphere enveloping the room. Caroline made a mental note to check in with him later, once the effects of the joint had worn off.

Meanwhile, Draco and Pansy continued their banter, their teasing tone grating on Caroline's nerves. She knew they enjoyed getting a rise out of her, reveling in their ability to provoke a reaction. But tonight, Caroline was determined not to let their jibes get to her. Instead, she focused on the warmth of the joint between her fingers and the soothing rhythm of the music filling the room.

As the night wore on, the conversation drifted to lighter topics, with Blaise regaling the group with tales of his misadventures over the summer. Caroline found herself laughing along with the others, momentarily forgetting the troubles that loomed on the horizon.

Eventually, the joint burned down to a stub, leaving the room in a contented haze. Caroline glanced around at her friends, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight. Despite the challenges they faced, in that moment, they were just a group of teenagers enjoying each other's company, finding solace and camaraderie in the midst of uncertainty.

With a sense of gratitude, Caroline closed her eyes, letting the gentle hum of conversation and the rhythmic beat of the music lull her into a state of peaceful bliss. For now, at least, the troubles of the outside world faded into the background, replaced by the simple joy of being surrounded by friends who understood and accepted her, flaws and all.


words; 1168

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