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As the last vestiges of sunlight fade from the sky, a cool breeze sweeps through the clearing, rustling the leaves of the surrounding trees. Damian shivers slightly, his body still pressed close to Caroline's.

"It's getting cold," he murmurs softly, his breath warm against the side of her neck. The temperature has dropped noticeably since they first arrived for their picnic, the chill of twilight settling in around them.

Caroline nods in agreement, goosebumps rising on her arms. "You're right," she says, rubbing her hands along Damian's back in an attempt to warm him. "Maybe we should start packing up."

Reluctantly, they disentangle themselves from each other's embrace, both immediately missing the shared warmth. Damian sits up slowly, running a hand through his tousled hair, his eyes still red-rimmed from crying. Caroline watches him for a moment, her heart aching at the visible weight of grief that seems to press down on his shoulders.

"Here, let me help," she says gently, reaching for the picnic basket. She begins to gather the remnants of their meal - half-eaten sandwiches, a mostly empty bottle of pumpkin juice, and a few stray grapes that had rolled onto the blanket.

Damian nods, his movements slow and slightly unsteady as he folds up the napkins they'd used. His fingers linger on the one he'd used to wipe away his tears, and for a moment, his eyes cloud over with fresh sorrow.

Caroline notices and reaches out, placing her hand over his. "It's okay," she whispers, squeezing gently. "Take your time."

He offers her a weak smile, grateful for her understanding. Together, they continue to pack up their picnic, working in comfortable silence. Caroline carefully wraps the leftover cheese in wax paper, tucking it into the basket alongside the remaining bread.

As Damian reaches for the last of the plates, his hand brushes against the blanket, and he pauses. "My mum and dad used to take me on picnics like this," he says softly, his voice thick with emotion. "When I was little, before everything changed."

Caroline stops what she's doing, giving Damian her full attention. She knows how rare and precious these moments of sharing are, especially now.

"Tell me about them," she encourages gently, settling back down on the blanket beside him.

Damian takes a deep breath, his eyes distant as he recalls happier times. "We'd go to this little meadow near our house. Dad would conjure up these amazing magical butterflies for me to chase, and Mum would laugh so hard when I'd trip over my own feet trying to catch them."

A ghost of a smile flickers across his face at the memory. "They were so happy then, so in love. I remember thinking they were the most powerful wizards in the world."

Caroline listens intently, her heart swelling with love for Damian and aching for the family he's lost. She reaches out, intertwining her fingers with his.

"They sound wonderful," she says softly. "I wish I could have met them."

Damian nods, squeezing her hand. "Me too. They would have loved you."

They sit in silence for a moment longer, the cool night air swirling around them. Finally, with a deep sigh, Damian moves to stand.

"We should probably finish packing up," he says, his voice carrying a note of reluctance. "It's getting dark and the atmosphere is getting weird."

Caroline nods in agreement, rising to her feet alongside him. They resume their packing, folding the large picnic blanket together. As they work, their hands brush against each other, and Caroline notices Damian's fingers are cold.

Enchantments of Serpent's Embrace: The acknowledge - T.N. FF.Where stories live. Discover now