In which Louis is a bit of a turd monkey

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Alright alright alright! I got another chapter up! (No shit). I deserve a medal. Anyway, vote/message/follow please. I need your feedback! P.s. thank you to lollipop21 for being my very first comment! You're amazing hon!


Harry's PoV

While Niall, Liam, and Zayn were gone, I decided to fix breakfast. That was a fairly safe thing to do, right? Nothing could get me too upset while I was flipping pankakes, I was fairly sure.

I grabbed the mix out of the cabinet; I was too lazy to go to the trouble of mixing up homemade pankakes. If Lou wanted fancy pankakes, he could make his own. Speak of the devil....

Where'd he go?

No, Harry, you are cooking breakfast, not thinking of all the things Lou could get into. I mean, there aren't THAT many, right? Only the stairs, the rugs, shin-level furniture, random shoes, Zayn's hair products, Niall's leftover pizza, my pants (don't ask), Nerf guns..........

Who am I kidding. Louis Tomlinson is a walking disaster area waiting to happen.

Of course, because I am just psychic, the minute I think that, a tremendous crashing sound breaks the comfortable noise of frying pancakes. "STOP PROVING ME RIGHT, DAMMIT!" I yelled.

No answer.

Now I was worried. Stupid Liam, for leaving RIGHT BEFORE Louis decides to break the house. "Lou?" I called, silently cursing my voice for choosing this moment to crack. "LOU," I tried once more. No answer.

I was kind of scared. Unless Louis was playing a joke, which I doubted, or suddenly deaf, he really needed me right now. I felt the familiar twist as my eyes changed, but ignored it as I flicked off the stove and dropped the smoking spatula. Cat eyes were the least of my worries at the moment.

I bounded up the stairs, taking them four at a time, hardly noticing as my muscles hardened like steel bands, powering me up the stairs like a lion on a rampage. I skidded around a corner, digging my nails into the wall to keep myself from sliding into the opposite corner. Gad dammit, why the hell did we have such a big flat?

I sprinted down the hallway, straining my ears to hear any sounds of life; breathing, a pulse......


I slung open the door, nearly tearing it off its hinges in my haste. There was Lou, his foot trapped underneath an overturned chest of drawers, his face twisted in pain.......listening to his headphones. I facepalmed. Classic Lou.

"Need some help there?" I asked, my heart twisting a little at his pain filled expression.

He looked up and smiled. "Oh, hey Haz, didn't see you there-" His expression soured suddenly, though not in pain. He squinted at my face, his bright blue eyes no more than slits. "......what's up with your eyes?"

Oh no. Nonononono. Nope. Not happening. Shit.

My mind raced as I tried to find an acceptable excuse for my appearance. Only now did I realize how I must of looked; like a demon from hell. Thankfully, Louis spared me the trouble of thinking up an excuse. His face cleared, and he waved his hand like he was swatting flies. "Never mind, Curly. I'm probably hallucinating......" He grimaced awkwardly, shifting his weight as much as he could with his foot trapped.

I instantly felt like a horrible person. What kind of a friend left another friend like that while thinking about himself? Especially when I claimed to LIKE him.....

Using the last remnants of my freak strength, I lifted the heavy drawers off of Lou. No wonder he couldn't move; the thing couldn't have weighed under 300 pounds. "Jesus Christ," I said, groaning a bit as I massaged my strained back muscles, "You really need to go through your shit Boo. Do you really need THAT MUCH?" My eyes shifted back to normal, and I mentally sighed in relief.

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