EXTREMELY Mild Smut cause Janelle wanted mangoes

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Oh. . . .hello there.  So, according to my lovely friend Janelly-poo, there is noting that would make her happier than some Larry lovin'.  Therefore, in this chapter, there WILL be a mature part.

I'm pretty sure all of you guys are mature.  -__-

But if you DON'T want to read my extremely mild smut, then you can pretty much skip to the next chapter with no problem.

In case you haven't noticed, my chapters are really pathetically short.  I do my best, but goddammit there's only so descriptive before it gets redundant!  I hate redundancy.

Dude, it's like 1:30 a.m. right now and I'm exhausted. . . . . . .Y'all better fucking love me after this.  -_____-


Louis' POV

There was something off about that girl.  She SEEMED ordinary enough, just slightly quirky - but aren't we all?  It's just that. . . . . When she looked at me with those piercing blue-grey eyes, I felt bare.

No, not naked.  Bare.  Unprotected.  I can't explain it, any more than I can explain my bizarre theories about Haz - and now Zayn.

Or maybe I was just losing it.

Sighing to myself, I glanced at the digital clock on my bedside table.  Half past eleven.  Laying back, I switched off my light and succumbed to the realm of dreams.


Blank, peaceful emptiness, tinged a neutral gray. 

This was my dream world, where my mind floated lazily most nights.  Until my lovely imagination came in, that is.

A swirl of Technicolor interrupted my happiness.  Great.  I was whisked through a swirl of dazzling images involving ponies and candy, my mind spinning as I spiraled down, down, down, falling into a terrible mass of color, green, orange, pink, yellow-


I sat straight up in bed, my chest heaving.  I could've SWORN I was just falling. . . .but no.

Stupid dream.

I slowly lay back down, drifting off once again into a dreamless slumber.

But not for long. . . . .


He looked at me, and I saw his eyes trying not to fill with tears.  They were that brilliant green-gold that almost glowed, but strangely - they were still his.  He stretched out his hand towards me, begging me to take it, but I couldn't move.  His mouth was moving, begging for me to take his hand, to forgive him, but no sound emerged.  I struggled desperately to reach out and hold him, to stop his pain, but the force surrounding me was immovable.   Our eyes locked, and I tried desperately to tell him that I forgave him, for what I didn't know, and that I was trying so hard.  Suddenly, his face changed from desperate to resigned, and a sad smile graced his lips.  He reached one last time, and with a mammoth effort, I managed to brush his fingertips.  Then he was gone, swirled away by a huge whirlpool. . . ."HARRYYYYYY!"  I howled, fighting the bonds as I watched him disappear.


There was sudden darkness, and I lay on my familiar bed, gasping for breath.  "You alright Boo?" asked a husky voice from beside me.

"Oh god, I thought you were dead!"  I gasped, clutching the figure beside me.

He chuckled, and pulled me closer.  "Just a dream, love."  His eyes glowed faintly in the darkness.

I was acutely aware of the lithe body next to me.  He definitely wasn't helping either, with his voice and his hands, sliding gently up and down my body.  I guess he was trying to be soothing, but it was having rather the opposite effect. 

He noticed.

"Well well well, somebody's a bit excited," he smirked, pressing me even closer to him and hooking his leg around mine.

I stuck out my tongue, but he simply laughed and nipped it gently.  I gasped and smacked him.  "Haz!"

"Foreplay, baby, foreplay."  He stroked my cheek.  "So. . . .do you wanna, or. . . .?"

"What kind of question is that?" I asked, grinning and running my hand through his hair.

He needed no further encouragement.  Without warning, he captured my lips in his own, rolling so he was on top.  I moaned gently at the contact and because I knew that was the best way to turn him on.  Sure enough, the tent in his boxers increased exponentially.  I was already almost fully hard, and ready to take this to the next level. 

Like, now.

As he moved down from my lips to my neck, leaving his signature everywhere, I bucked my hips into his, forcing our erections together almost painfully.  He gasped, his golden eyes dilating.  "Shit Lou. . . ."

I smirked.  "So. . . love . . . what's it going to be . . . tonight?" I asked, panting a bit as he went back to messing with my collarbone.

He simply continued kissing down my chest, making me writhe in pleasure at the feel of his mouth, his hands. . . . .

He reached my cock and I no longer knew coherent thought.


Harry's POV

I was curled up in my bed with a book when I heard it.  A very faint, but definitely distressed cry. 

Coming from Louis' room.

I was instantly out of bed, my eyes snapping into night-vision mode.  I crept into Lou's room, but all seemed peaceful.  Maybe I had imagined it.

I padded over to the bed and stood quietly looking over him.  He was so pretty when he slept.  He was smiling faintly, obviously having a good dream.

Having decided that I was going crazy and it was a false alarm I glided back towards the door, only to be stopped on the threshold by the worst thing possible.

A moan.

I instantly began battle with my instincts.  Basically, it was two against one - my brain telling me not to be stupid, and to go back to my room, and my heart and hormones joining forces to get me to go jump his sexiness.

Sadly, my brain won.  I was about to go back to my room for good when one word stopped me.

"Hazzzzz. . . . . .mmmmmmmmm. . . . . ."

With a pained gasp, I fled the room for mine and the comfort of my hand.

Bean's POV

Wankers, all of them.  And the sexual tension so thick I could cut it with a knife!



Merry fucking Christmas, and a Happy New Year.  It's June.

Y'all better comment for this one, cause it took some doing.  Obviously not the best smut I've ever written, cause it cut off right when it was getting good, but I felt that we should save the steamy for the REAL DEAL, huh?

Oh yes.  There WILL be a sex scene, lovies.  And no, you can't write that one either Janelle.

Vote for me.

Comment and tell me how much you hated it.

Drink soapy dishwater for fun.

I'm tired.


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