Wings, Mind Fucks, and Shit-Eating Grins (part 2)

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Louis' POV

I watched the dark figure grow smaller and smaller in the bright sky.  My mind was refusing to believe what my eyes had seen.

It was too crazy.

Like, lock me up in a mental hospital crazy.

But I couldn't deny it.  Somehow, I had seen Zayn Malik, the boy I had known for years, sprout feathers and fly.  Like a chicken.

Ha.  Chicken Boy.  That's his new name.

I turned slowly, and with painstaking care began navigating the hallway.  I made it safely to the end, and stood quietly looking at Bean and Harry sitting together at the table, Bean talking earnestly and Harry shaking his head.  Niall and Liam were gone.  Zayn was. . . .Zayn was. . . ."Chicken Boy," I blurted.

The pair jerked their eyes up  "I beg your pardon?"  Harry said, looking offended.

"Chicken Boy.  Zayn. . . .Chicken boy."  I stated thoughtfully, walking to a cabinet and grabbing a shiny pot, examining it.

Bean went ashen.  "Oh. . . .shit. . ." she muttered.

"What?  What's going on?" Harry demanded.

I paid no attention.  I had a pot.  Looking at it critically once more, I placed it on my head and sat down on the floor. 

Looking back on it now, I think I was in a state of temporary insanity.

Bean sighed.  "I can't say.  I promised Zayn that much.  But Harry. . .he's very much like you."  Before he could stop her, she whipped off his beanie, and two chocolate brown ears emerged.  His eyes snapped gold, and he hissed and took his hat back.

Hm. . . .now I'm hallucinating.

Bean smirked.  "Oh Hazza, did you really think I couldn't find out?  I can hear thoughts, you know.  Mostly I tune them out, but right now. . .ooh. . . .Hazza, that is really very naughty. . . . .oh for fucks sake tell him!"  She flung up her arms in exasperation.

He hissed again and jumped on the counter, the picture of lithe grace as he stared harshly into my eyes.  I stared back.  "I do believe that I'm in the midst of one enormous mind fuck," I remarked casually.

Bean snorted and muttered something about wankers.

Just then, we all jumped about four feet in the air as Zayn flung open the door.  "GET OUT!!!"  he roared.  "PLEASE, WE HAVE TO GO!"  His wings were fully spread and he looked like an avenging angel.

That's when my battered mind finally decided to shut down, and the last thing I heard before I faded into darkness was the sound of Harry shouting my name.


Well that one sucked.  Sorry guys, just thought I needed an update.  You like the cliffhanger?

"Cliiiffhanger, hanging from a cliiiiiff. . . . .and THAT'S why he's called CLIFFHANGEEEER!"

I'm so weird.

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