4. Things I Couldn't Do

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4. Things I Couldn't Do

The gang has something special planned for Scott today. They are taking him to things he couldn't do when he was sick, like going to the movies, shopping, or having fun at the arcade. "We are going to end up exhausted after this," Kirstie said while she was in her mom's car with Matt. "We will, but it'll be worth it. Not only Scott hasn't done this in a while, but neither have we. It should be good for us to go out and have fun," Matt assured, kissing his girlfriend's cheek.

When they arrived at the mall, Kevin was already there, waiting for the others to come. "Nice to see someone is on time," he said sarcastically.

"Scott and Mitch haven't arrived yet?" Matt asked, looking around to see if his friends were around.

"Doesn't surprise me, honestly. Those two are always late," Kirstie said, shaking her head.

A few moments later, Scott and Mitch arrived, apologizing for arriving late again. "The plan is: we will go shopping until it's time to go to the movie, we will have lunch, and then go to the arcade," Mitch explained to Scott and nodded. The gang started to walk around the mall with their parents behind them, just in case, looking for some clothes they liked to buy. Scott, Matt, and Kevin were getting annoyed at Kirstie and Mitch for stopping at almost every store, but they enjoyed it anyway.

When they found the perfect store, all five started picking out clothes they liked. Let's say each of them ended with three outfits. "What did you get Scotty?" Mitch asked.

"I got some light jeans, black pants, shirts, and a hoodie," Scott said, showing his bag to the others.

"Guys, we need to go. The movie starts soon," Matt warned, and everyone nodded, wlking to the movie theater and choosing their snack before entering. "The movie was amazing. I loved the ending," Scott said, jumping around the gang. Everyone laughed at Scott's silliness. "I don't know where he gets all that energy from," Kirstie said, amazed.

"What should we have for lunch?" Kevin asked everyone.

"McDonald's!" Scott screamed excitedly. "Please," he pleaded with puppy eyes and the others couldn't bring themselves to say no.

"I want a Happy Meal," Matt said and everyone looked at him weirdly. "What? I haven't had one in a while and I am craving one," he explained and the others nodded.

"But what if it's not enough?" Scott asked. "I'll just buy some nuggets. It's not a big deal," Matt answered.

The five teens enjoyed their meal and discussed how different school has been for them and which teachers they liked and did not. "The Physics teacher scares me," Scott said with a scared expression on his face.

"Same, she is always mad and only cares about teaching and does it in a very old-school way," Matt complained.

"I barely have any classes with her since I chose biology over physics, but my other friends have told me weird things too," Kevin assured.

They talked for a few more minutes until they decided to go to the arcade. They played each game and Mitch even won a stuffed animal which was given to Scott as a beg from the blonde. "Thank you, guys, for planning this. It's been the best day ever," Scott thanked, hugging his new stuffed animal to his chest.

"You're welcome, Scott. You deserve it," Matt said.

"So do you guys. None of us have a normal life and think of this as a reward for fighting against our illnesses," Scott said, and everyone in the group hugged.

"Now, let's go to Starbucks!" Kirstie exclaimed and turned toward the coffee shop, and everyone followed her. The gang had a great time drinking coffee and chatting even more. Kevin drove all of them back to their houses. "Guess who passed out," Mitch said, and everyone looked at Scott, who was out cold with his head on Mitch's shoulder and was cuddling to his brand new stuffed animal.

"We still have a whole bucket list to do, guys. We need to plan the next thing and surprise him."

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