6. Bubba

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6. Bubba

Ever since Scott was little, he always wanted to have a dog. Today, he will meet Kirstie's three dogs while his parents get him his dog, but he doesn't know it yet. "Come in, Scotty. My dogs are in the backyard," Kirstie said while letting Scott into her house.

"Thanks, Kitty," Scott said while walking into the backyard. He gasped when he saw Kirstie's dogs playing around and immediately approached them to pet all three dogs.

"They are excited to see you," Kirstie chuckled. Her dogs started to lick Scott's face until he was on the floor. Kirstie helped Scott get the dogs off him. "Let me present you to them," she said and Scott nodded.

"So, Olaf is the oldest, he is the white husky. Then comes Pascal, he is the other husky with white and brown fur. And last but not least, there is Floof, he is the littlest and is a Pompsky," Kirstie explained while pointing to each dog.

"Pomsky? I've never heard of that breed," Scott said surprised.

"It is not a very common breed. They are a mix between Huskies and Pomeranians," Kirstie explained, sitting down next to him.

"Is it hard to take care of all three of them?" Scott asked, looking at Kirstie.

"At first, yeah. Huskies are very loud, and are constantly howling," Scott chuckled. "Wanna play fetch with them?" She asked, and Scott immediately stood up, picking up a ball and throwing it to the dogs.

They spent a few more moments playing with the dogs until it was time for lunch. Kirstie decided to ask Scott the questions Connie told her to ask Scott so that she could find the perfect dog for him. "Scotty?" she called the blond's attention. "Yes?"

"If you ever had a dog, which breed would you like to have?"

"That's a good question," Scott hummed in thought. "I think...I would have a golden retriever or a mini goldendoodle," he answered.

"A mini goldendoodle? Is it a mix between a poodle and a golden retriever?" Kirstie asked, confused.

"I think so. They are just so cute...they look like little sheep," Scott squealed, and Kirstie laughed. While Scott was in the bathroom, Kirstie texted Connie and told her what Scott wanted.

When Scott came back home, he talked to her parents about the great time he had at Kirstie's and how much he wanted a dog. "I don't think we can take care of a dog, son," Rick lied, he had to pretend not to like the idea of a dog to surprise Scott.

"Mom," Scott whined. "I've been wanting a dog since I was little," He complained again.

"I know, honey. But, your dad is right, we cannot take care of it. We already have too much to worry about with you" she tried to convince her son. Scott groaned and ran upstairs to his room and closed the door angrily. He took out his phone and texted the gang about the dog, little did he know, everyone already knew he was getting a dog.

Scooter: Remember that having a dog was part of my bucket list?

Kevo: Yeah

Matty: Yep

Kit Kat: Yes

Mittens <3: Did your parents say no?

Scooter: They did. They know that I've been wanting a dog since I was a little kid and they always say no. But it is part of my bucket list.

Kevo: Take a deep breath, and try to convince them again tomorrow

Matty: Yeah, they agreed to get you a dog 😒

Kit Kat: Tell them that you are capable enough of taking care of it. I already taught you how. 😉

Mittens <3: I'll talk to them if it helps. 😘

Scooter: Thanks, guys. I'll take your advice. Love u <3

The next morning, Scott woke up to something warm and heavy on his chest, he stirred and then opened his eyes and was surprised to see a little puppy in front of him. "Woah," he said and then started to pet the puppy with a high-pitched voice.

"Do you like it?" Kevin asked, making Scott jump.

"Don't scare me!" He started, taking the dog off his chest and putting it on his lap. "I love him, he is so cute," Scott said again.

"Your parents got it for you," Mitch said, sitting down next to Scott.

"You guys knew this?" Scott asked confusedly.

"Yes. I asked you your favorite breed and your mom was able to find this little guy," she said and petted the puppy's head. "It doesn't have a name yet," Matt reminded him.

"I'll call him Bubba. It's perfect for a dog," Scott said. He then went to thank his parents for giving him the dog he'd always wanted. Now he's even happier.

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