18. It's time

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18. It's time

For the past few weeks, ever since the road trip to the mountains was over, everyone has been trying to spend the most time they could with Scott, trying to keep him comfortable and distracted from the pain he was feeling. Throughout all this time, Scott has just been getting weaker, he spends most of his time sleeping and resting rather than being awake, and whenever he is awake he is in pain but somehow, he still finds the strength to smile. Mitch has also noticed that his once beautiful ocean eyes are now gray and dull. Everyone has been taking turns after school to visit him to not overwhelm him. Today was Mitch's turn and he kept thinking that it could be the last.

Today was particularly a bad day, Scott was in a lot of pain, bruises covered his arms and chest, and moving a single limb was exhausting for him. "Your mom made you some lunch, she didn't give it to you earlier because you were asleep," Mitch said, sitting down on the edge of Scott's bed with a tray with some soup on it for Scott to eat. "I'm not really hungry, Mitchy," Scott complained weakly.

"I know you are not, but you need some of this. You don't have to eat it all, just half of it," Scott nodded and Mitch started to spoonfeed him, which reminded them about the time were Mitch fed Scott back at the hospital after Avi's death. When Scott was done eating his food, Mitch laid down next to Scott and he cuddled close to him, laying his head on Mitch's chest.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Mitch asked, running his hand through Scott's hair. He thought for a moment and then whispered, "T-Tangled."

They were in the middle of the movie when Scott took the remote and paused the movie, Mitch looked at him confused, but Scott gathered his strength to sit up in the bed. "What's wrong?" Mitch asked worriedly.

"M-Mitchy, promise me...that after I d-die...you will move on," Scott started and Mitch cried, shaking his head. "I-I don't think I can, Scotty. You are my everything, I l-love you s-so much," Mitch sobbed, and Scott took his hand, looking at him.

"I love you too, baby. You mean the world to me. But I don't want you grieving about me. Y-You deserve a life with someone that is healthy and can take care of you. Promise me...that you'll move o-on. I-I'll be watching you," Scott said, breathing heavily after talking so much. Mitch nodded with tears in his eyes, "OK, I promise."

They watched TV for a few more hours until they fell asleep, well Scott, Mitch couldn't sleep, worried something would happen to his boyfriend while he slept. Suddenly, Scott woke up, not being able to breathe, he kept wheezing but somehow was able to sit up. Mitch got scared and started screaming for Rick and Connie, not wanting to leave Scott. "CONNIE! RICK! SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH SCOTT!" Connie and Rick entered the room quickly and Connie approached her son while Rick called an ambulance. "S-Scott, just hold on a little bit longer, baby, ok? Do it for me," Mitch sobbed while rocking his boyfriend, trying to calm him down.

The next few moments were a blur, the paramedics came in, putting Scott on a stretcher and taking him out of the house to rush him to the hospital, Connie went with him in the ambulance while Rick tried to get Mitch out of his shock state. "Mitch!"

"Y-Yeah?" Mitch answered, he was shaking so Rick took his hands to calm him down. "We need to go, Connie is already there waiting for us," Mitch could only nod, and both of them walked outside of the house to go to the hospital.

It kind of felt like they waited for ages. Mitch was looking into space, he didn't notice the gang coming in. A little while later, the doctor came and told them about Scott. "He doesn't have much time, a few days at most. We will keep him comfortable and out of any pain. You can visit him in small groups to not overwhelm him," everyone thanked the doctor and he left shortly after.

"Now we wait until he dies?" Matt asked, shocked. Kevin nodded.

"There is not much we can do. He is very weak and might be hallucinating." He responded. Mitch just sobbed louder, everyone hugged him to comfort him and each other. He wasn't ready to lose Scott, nobody was.

A/N: There's one chapter left. 

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