meeting the parents

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Y/ns pov

I woke up to Ajax standing over me smiling "what the fuck Ajax!?" I sat up and smacked him as he laughed "sorry sorry but it's parents weekend so get dressed" I sighed and stood "can I wear what I want?" He nodded and I smiled grabbing clothes and running into my bathroom quickly changing

I woke up to Ajax standing over me smiling "what the fuck Ajax!?" I sat up and smacked him as he laughed "sorry sorry but it's parents weekend so get dressed" I sighed and stood "can I wear what I want?" He nodded and I smiled grabbing clothes and...

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I put in a bit of chapstick before I stepped out "ready" I looked at Ajax as I put the beanie I stole from him on "yep!" He took my handed and guided me out my dorm to the quad

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I put in a bit of chapstick before I stepped out "ready" I looked at Ajax as I put the beanie I stole from him on "yep!" He took my handed and guided me out my dorm to the quad. I looked around. Wednesday and Enid were with Wednesdays parents, I guess there supportive! Good! I looked around to see my family "fuckkkkk" I huffed "their here already" I looked at Ajax "mine arnt just yet! I'd like to meet yours tho" he smiled down at me "ok just if my mother says some shit, ima smack a hag" I grabbed his hand and guided him to my family "hey dad.. Mother" I smiled "sweetheart!" My dad hugged me, I laughed a bit as he let go "aw I've missed you so much" I smiled "I've missed you too dad" I glanced at Ajax and smiled before I looked at my mother "hello dear" she gave a small smile "I see you still dress like a.. whore" she whispered the word 'whore' umder her breath but I heared and sighed "yes mother I do" I have a flat line smile "who's this?" Dad pointed at Ajax I smile and held my hand out for Ajax to hold, he softly interlocked his fingers with mine "this is Ajax.. My boyfriend!" I looked up at Ajax and leaned my chin on his arm before I looked at my parents. My dad was smiling happily and my mothers face was normal.. If looking like she'd enjoy murdering my boyfriend is normal. "Well hello" my dad stuck his hand out for Ajax to shake "I'm d/n" he smiled as Ajax shook my dad's hand "ajax!" Ajax looked over to see his family "ima go talk to them for a second than I'll come get you so you can meet them okay?" I nodded and kissed his cheek causing his face to turn a bit red "I love you" I whispered "I love you too" he kissed my forehead and set his jacket over my shoulders "incase you get cold" I giggled and watched as he stepped away. I looked back at my parents "well you seem to be having fun here" my mother looked me up and down "yes I am! I really like it here actually" I smiled slipping my arms in the arm holes of Ajax jacket. "Good sweetheart, I knew you would" my dad smiled "your lucky your father wanted to send you here. I was gonna send you to a all girls boarding school" she huffed "and how would that have gone. I would have gotten a girlfriend and you'd be just as bad, if not worse than you are now" I crossed my arms as my mother huffed "you need to stop with this pansexual nonsense, it's just a phase" "mother I would know if it's just a damn phase" I spat before I looked over my shoulder at Ajax "how could you possibly know!" I looked at her "because it's my fucking mind and body m/n! Get over it!" I gave dad a look before I ran off to Ajax quickly hugging him my arms around his waist "she's at it again" I looked up at him. He wrapped his arms around me and looked at his parents "mom, dad, this is my girlfriend! Y/n" I looked over at them and smiled "hello!". His mother smiled "hello hun" I smiled "I'm June" (idk his mother's name.) "It's nice to meet you ma'am" I let go of Ajax and looked up at her "oh no need with the ma'am think. Your family now" I felt my eyes slightly water and a tear fall down my face "mommy is she crying" a small voice peeked up "oh dear did I say something wrong?" "No no I just- it's hard to explain. I'm sorry" Ajax hugged me quickly "is it about your mom" he whispered softly I nodded. He kissed my cheek and wiped my tears "you can hug her ya know?" Ajax smiled a bit when I looked up at him "really?" June smiled "you can" I quickly hugged June happily "thank you" I smiled "your welcome dear" she softly patted my head "can I have a hug?" The same small voice spoke again I looked down to see a little girl with black hair like her mom. I smiled and nodded getting down on my knees and held my arms out. The girl smiled and hugged me quickly giggling as she did "I'm Avery!" She smiled as she pulled back from the hug "I'm y/n!" I placed my hands on my lap "your very pretty" "aw thank you" I smiled "why are you with my brother?" I tried not to laugh "because I love him" I laughed a bit "oh but he's ugly" I busted out laughing "oh my- oh my gosh" I laughed a bit more before I calmed down avery laughed a bit "he's not ugly to me" "why" "I don't know, I just think he's a very handsome guy" she shrugged and hugged me again I smiled and hugged her back "I like you, your nice" I looked at Ajax "well you get to see me a lot more now that I'm your brothers girlfriend" "yay" she giggled and sat on my lap, I looked at Ajax once more and mouthed 'I want one' he laughed a bit as I stood up with avery in my arms "so avery, do you like milkshakes?" She nodded quickly "hey ma'am- I mean june?" "Yes dear?" "Would it be okay if Ajax and I take avery with us to town In a few?" June nodded "you two could get some alone time" I smiled and pointed at June and her very quiet husband. She laughed a bit "Ajax take avery for a second ima go tell my dad where we're going" Ajax went to take avery but she held onto me tightly "no" she stuck her tongue out at Ajax I laughed "I'm the favorite" I smiled and took Ajaxs hand in mine. We walked over to my parents "y/n that doesn't look good on you" my mother spoke as soon as we walked over "huh?" "Having a child on your hip while holding a guys hand. You look like ever more of a whore" I rolled my eyes "ok bye" I flipped her off and turned to my dad "we're going to town for a bit dad" he nodded and we left

(Part two tomorrow)

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