What makes a Hero

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"Telling myself it's the last time, can you spare any mercy that you might find, If I'm down on my knees again, Deep down, Way down, Lord, I try" - Daylight


Jason's POV

  "Bruce, I lost sight of them",  I  responded to Batman on patrol.

  "They couldn't have gotten far - sweep the left side I'll handle up top",  I hear him let out a grunt as he jumps over the building gaps in order to find some goons on the street causing havoc. 

  "And Red Hood, You will address me as Batman if and when we are on the job",  without hesitance in his voice he picked up another line on comms, probably Grayson.

  "Always with the orders as if I'm still Robin huh", Hmm maybe if I just jump no-  I quickly tighten my zip line and swing down into an alleyway.

  "LET ME GO!",  Huh they weren't that far after all. 

  "What a pussy move",  I grab my gun unlocking the trigger.

  "I don't think you've got the upper hand here buddy!"  The guy is trembling. I mean c'mon now that's just embarrassing.

  "Let the lady go, your war is with us dick".  Inching closer I try to get a good angle.

  "Excuse me Red?",  Grayson lands beside me from the roof.

  "Wasn't talking to you",  I rolled my eyes. 

  "We don't take orders from self employed murderers". Grayson and I share a look before charging towards them.

  "It's 3v2 you got this Red hood?",  Grayson smirks before jumping off the wall and landing a straight punch across the jaw of the guy holding onto the hostage.

  "You seriously think the age difference makes you better than me huh",  I slide down tackling the second guy's legs making sure I land a clean hit before knocking him unconscious.

  "N-now look here this wasn't my fault..I-I get paid for this PLEASE please hear me out".  This guy is basically on his knees.

   "What do you think?",  I ask Grayson.  "This is for the bat he can decide",  Grayson confirms over comms while bruce grabs the guy from behind.

  "Where is deathstroke",  Bruce intimidates him. 

  "I have a family to take care off! I swear I don't know what we are even doing!",  finally having enough I think this has gone on for too long.

  "What's your name?",  I demand. 

  "Mason..m-mason barrock",  he starts to shake like a leaf.

  "You're coming with us Mason, no hard feelings yeah?",  Grayson tazes him until he's fully knocked out.

  "Take him back to the cave and cuff him",  Bruce gives us the remaining task.  "Where will you be?",  Grayson asks.

  "I have a feeling someone planned this out",  Bruce starts to leave.  "Wasn't there a word going around for an auction?",  I interrupt.  "It's not just an auction...I think it's a prostitution operation",  Grayson finishes tying the other 2 goons to the pole.

   "Uh c-can I go, I mean am I safe to go?!",  Right, the damsel in distress.

   "You're safe ma'am red hood here will take the pleasure of taking you to your location so you're protected just in case",  Grayson lets out a small laugh knowing how agitated I am.

  "I'm actually a guy so..".

I could almost double over seeing Grayson's reaction.  "Sorry uh sir? Red can you take it from here?",  I uncross my arms and start walking out the alley.

  "You've got long legs, hurry up",  I pause, waiting for him to walk behind.  "Of course! Sorry!",  he jogs to catch up.

   "How did you even end up with them?",  I can see the guy still shaking, he manages to get out, "I don't know man I was minding my business and these guys just come at me I-I mean it's not like I know them or anything...god I sound so suspicious", he lands himself a facepalm.

  "Don't worry about it. Really please don't",  rolling my eyes I come to a halt.

"Where am I taking you?",  He looks up at me with wide eyes.  "Oh uh just the next building complex..I live there",  he says pointing at the apartments lined up along the street.

  "And you couldn't run fast enough?",  I swear I saw his eye twitch for a split second. 

"You really don't have to do this, I'll be fine walking back",  now he's ten steps ahead of me. Literally.  "Hey okay look my bad- what's your name?",  he slows down so I catch up to him.

  "Ricky",  he shrugs.

  "I'm calling you Rick, so Rick this is where I go away",  adjusting my clips around my waist I make my way towards the side of the building. 

  "Thanks Red Hood! You're a great hero- a-all of you!".

Why did that sting? That word.



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