New found Loss

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"You can say you're sorry, the evidence is on my body, but I never complain, I wear it as a lesson, a curse and a blessing" - Burn


Iman's POV

  "This has never been a place for women to play around- You think this is a joke Iman?!", Ah yes, how I just love the sound of sexism.

  "Appa I barely saw anything!", I plead with him.

I've never quite understood why it has become so common for men to overrule women, I mean I cannot even step outside the house! Im tired of this. I want my Ma.

I want her back.

  "Kiyan..she's still young, she will understand when she's older, don't do this now", My grandma spoke from her rocking chair.

Goosebumps spread around my entire body. I know what he will do to me if I ever spoke back to him. I couldn't do a thing to protect myself, I've never been given the luxury to learn how.

  "I didn't do anything wrong! I was curious appa so I peaked out the curtain I swear I didn't make a sound nor did they see me!", What am I thinking he won't listen, not even after I die.

  "Do you realise who was outside?!", My father slowly approaches me like a puma ready to pounce at any second.

  "But they didn't see me at all- I swear it was for a split second..", I take a few steps back.

  "Ra's Al Ghul.. he stood where she once stood before me, where the blood was shed and do you know what he said Iman?", I shook my head looking at the Persian tiles on the floor.

  "He said If it weren't for your daughter maybe Natasha wouldn't have died by my blade, Iman I have lost many things...your mother being my biggest regret and loss, but for some reason I sense nothing for you", I see my father chuckle before undoing his belt and wrapping it around his right hand.

  "A-appa please don't do this..not again", trying to hold back the tears but it becomes impossible when he grabs the back of my neck.

  "I had made a deal with the Ra's long ago. I promised to give them my daughter, In exchange for your mother to come back", he Spat.

He starts dragging me towards the front courtyard. My eyes widen as I realise they're still here.

Ra's Al Ghul is still here.

  "Appa...", I call for my father to hear my plead once more.

  "Don't you dare!", my grandma comes running out the doors.  "Don't you dare touch my beloved!", She yells grabbing me by my arm away from my father.

  "How could you do this?! To your own flesh and blood Kiyan!", I look around and see an army of soldiers. They didn't come for peace.

They came for blood.

  "Alrosa, I haven't seen you for so long", Ra spoke with a heavy tone.

  "You dare to take my name?", My grandma seethes. Slowly Ra takes a step forward.   "Do not take another step", she spoke with bravery.

  "And what will you do? Will you save her how you saved Natasha?", Ra let's out a spine chilling laugh. He moved closer and closer as I shook in my grandmas arms.  "I should've taken your soul with my blade instead of hers, you could've used less nagging isn't that right Kiyan?",  He nods towards my father.

I look at him through glossy eyes only to find him smirking.  "How could you?..", I whisper.

  "How could you do this to me Appa?!", My voice getting louder.

  "Don't worry dear you've never been special enough for us to consider taking, your sister however, she was worth-",

"My sister?", My breathing gets heavier, everything is so silent. I can't talk or move.

I have a sister?

A burning sensation takes over my upper back. Letting out a scream I realise my father has whipped me with his belt.  "KIYAN!", I hear my grandma wail.

  "I've raised you to be silent when the men are talking!", He whips down his belt on my calves.

  "I've raised you to have respect and to know your place!", Tears won't stop steaming down my face as I feel another welt on my upper thigh.

  "I've raised you t-",

  "You didn't raise me". My voice cracks.

  "Kiyan I would've expected better results than this, perhaps your methods haven't been...abiding enough", hearing the stomps of heavy boots I try to stand but only got up to my knees.

  "Perhaps you are right, I have been too lenient", I could see the rage clouding my fathers eyes. The eyes of a man my mother once loved, the eyes of a man my grandma raised. The eyes of a man I thought would protect me.  I see him walk past me towards the pile of swords kept in the cabinet we barely touch.

  "If hurting you won't straighten you out, maybe it's time for an alternative huh Iman", He's gone completely mental.

  "Appa l-listen please y-you have to stop, this is insanity, this isn't the man you are!",  I claw the hot sand in my hands beneath me.

  "I'll show you the man I am, I'll show you both".

He grabs my grandma, His own mother by her hair and drags her to her knees beside me.

  "What are you doing- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!",  my throat parched and coursed from screaming.  Ra comes towards me and yanks me to my feet beside him.  "Stop I beg of you!", I look in his eyes and see nothing but Joy.

  "You are what no man should ever be. You are not my son Kiyan..Natasha received paradise..

  I am glad that death chose her, death is more merciful than man".

In a blink of an eye, my grandmas body stood still, the smell of heavy iron overtakes my senses.


Her body drops.

Without a head attached.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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