~ Chapter 4 ~

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After a few hours Lord Ambrose came into the living room, where we were just listening to Nathaniel. He clapped and cheered, "Beautiful work, dandelion. Wonderful." Nathaniel stood up and bowed. The lord spoke, "I hate to cut this little gathering short but I need to talk to Lawrence right now. So if everyone could leave I would appreciate it." Nathaniel and I went out of the room. As we got out Nathaniel closed the door and stayed at door, looking worried. I asked, "Are you alright?" He answered, "Yes, I am, but I am worried about Lawrence." I put my hand on his shoulder and comforted him, "Lawrence will be alright too. If I have learned anything in the short amount of time that that Lawrence will be able to handle it just fine." He didn't agree, " You don't know him the way I do. He might seem calm and collected on the outside but he is the complete opposite." I apologized, "I am sorry. I should not judge a book by it's cover. I only tried to comfort you but I failed at that." Nathaniel shook his head, " No, it's alright. You are just new here and have a lot to learn." I asked, "What kind of relation do you and Lawrence have? I would guess that you know Lawrence the best." His mood seemed to change from rather calm to scared and panicking. He moved away from me and answered, "None. We are just co-workers." I sighed, "Aww. I kind of hoped for something else. You two would make a cute couple." He asked, "Oh? You are alright with two men loving each others?" I nodded, " My brother likes - Wait, no. He loves men and I myself have been with both, men and women. I prefer to not have myself hate on my own sexuality." He asked, "Oh? Is that so? Who is the most attractive man you have ever been with?" I answered, "Since yesterday, Lord Ambrose." Nathaniel seemed shocked for a short moment and then asked, "You have been with the lord? How was it? Who made the first step?" I answered, "I do not know. It just happened. I was surprised as you are now. He did say that I was not really his type, so I do not understand why he would sleep with me." Nathaniel replied, "That is because he lied. You are indeed his typ. Did you not hear Lady Maxwell? She said that you are his type." I responded honestly, "I thought that she was just joking." Nathaniel laughed when all the sudden the door opened behind him. It was Lord Ambrose and Lawrence. The lord asked, "Were you spying one us?" We both shook our heads and Nathaniel answered, "No, my lord. I was waiting on Lawrence while Sebastian  was waiting for you, my lord." The lord turned to me and asked, "Is that so, love?" If looks could kill, Nathaniel would have died right there. I answered, "N-no. Nathanie-" Nathaniel cut me off, "Do not be shy now. Come on, Lawrence. Let us leave them alone." With that they left me in this mess Nathaniel has created. Lord Ambrose caressed my cheek and spoke softly, "You do not have to worry. Thank you for waiting. I wanted to spend some time with you anyway. Please come on in, love." With that he pulled me into the room by the hand. He pointed for me to sit before starting to talk, "I do not know anything about you, love. I tried to ask Lord Sterling, but apparently has no other information except that your name is Sebastian. So please tell me who you are." I introduced myself, "My name is not only Sebastian. It's Sebastian Vulkasin Sinclair. My father is Scottish and my mother is Italien. I have an older brother and a younger sister. They are all still alive.." Quickly, he asked, "How old are you?" I shrugged with my shoulder before lying, "I do not know, my lord. I know that I am old enough." He responded with, "I know that you know how old you are. You just lied to me. From what I have gather you are older than 25 but you would have to be in your forties. There is a problem with that. You do not look older than 20. Maybe 26 at most. What year were you born? And do not lie to me. I have my ways of finding things out and you just told me your full name." I answered,"I'm older than Raymond. Do you need to know anything else really, my lord?" He insisted, "What year?" My gaze was lowered to the ground before I answered, "1220." The lord asked, "How can you be this old but still human?" I answered, "I am not human. It is simple as that. I am not human and I never was. I do not wish to say anything more on that topic." The lord demanded, "I demand of you to tell me what you are." I asked, "And what if I do not comply with your demands?" He answered, "Then I might have to kill you." I felt tears going down my face and Lord Ambrose touched my face to whip the tears away right away. I explained with more tears going down my face, "You can try to kill me but others have tried that before you, and I do not wish for you to exhaust yourself, my lord. So I will just answer your question. Werewolves would call me a flayer and the few vampires I have come across that knew what I was called me a skin-stealer. I wish I could die but sadly that is not an option for me. Please, my lord, do not tell anyone about what I am." He put his arms around me and insured me, "Do not worry, love. Your secret is safe with me. You may stay here with us. You could help me understand Adelaide, since she is just like you. And love, do not wish to die." My arms moved on their own and we started to hug each other. More tears went down my face and I responded, "Thank you, my lord, but I do not deserve to be in your present. I have done a lot of things that I now regret and that are just awful." He asked, "What are they? I will be the judge of them." I started with, "So I killed someone's parents and kidnapped his sister, because I went to a fortune teller and was told that he would be the most important person in my brother's life. I tried to kill him that day but my brother saved him. My plan backfired on me, because that was apparently the way they would get to know each other. I thought that maybe they would not start a relationship. Sadly, they did. I tried to kill him again but my brother jumped in the way...I tried to kill my brother for some reason....not the lover anymore....Then I was even angrier at the lover and abused him in any way I could think off. Even going as far as raping him...I know that I am a monster and nothing more. But my list of crimes does not end there. I killed half of the pack that we were all part of. Yes, I can turn into a werewolf but I am ashamed of that now and try to hide it. Oh, and if all of that was not enough. I tried to kill my brother not only once but twice. The lover of my brother luckily overtook me in the end. When I woke up again, I decided that I was not worth having a happy life. I destroyed a person for just the attention of my brother....the worst part is that he gave me a lot of attention even when he was with his lover. So, please treat me like I deserve to be treated with that information, my lord." He sighed, "But you are regretting it. Have you tried to apologize to them?" I answered, "I apologized to the lover earlier today...and my brother has not woken up yet." The lord asked with a sad and angry tone in his voice, "The lover is Raymond, is he not?" I nodded. Lord Ambrose went over to the bells and called on Lawrence, who came a few seconds later. Lawrence asked, "How may I be of service, my lord?" The lord answered, "Get me the Professor." Lawrence looked surprised and asked, "Do you mean Professor Lynch?" Lord Ambrose nodded and Lawrence left immediately. I tried to argue, "My lord. There is no way he would like to see my face. I cause him nothing other then pain and suffering." But he had none of it and told me, "You need to shut up for a while. Raymond is not only a good friend of mine but also the godfather of my daughter. I might not seem mad or anything at you but I am. I will have to deal with all of this now. So, please get yourself together or I will punish you." I tried to say something but Lord Ambrose pushed me against the wall and held me by my throat. Then he said, "I told you to shut up." After that he broke away from me and sat down. I stayed quiet and only looked at the ground. I should have guessed that there was a relationship between them and said nothing. My neck ached from his grip and I touched it to help it a little to make it hurt less. After half an hour of silence Raymond entered the room and bowed to Lord Ambrose first and then to me. Then he asked with a smile, "To what do I own the pleasure of being called?" Lord Amrbose asked coldly, "Is it true that Sebastian not only abused you but also raped you? And to top it all of killed your parents and tried to kill your lover twice? Adding to that kidnapped your sister?" Raymond looked surprised for a second before he replied, "Well. Yes, but he apologized for it, and he does regret it. I am no longer angry or anything at him." Lord Ambrose asked enraged, "How? He has done nothing other than causing you pain and suffering." Raymond looked at me and responded, "I guess, I still have a sweet spot for my friend. It's alright, Sebastian. I know you regret everything and I think that shows that if I accept your apology that you will be forgiven, and I do. We both know that you have a sweet old soul. If that is not enough, then we have to name the things that you have done to try to fix it. First of all, you stripped yourself from your lord title, which you should have kept in my opinion. Then you let yourself be enslaved and got abused yourself. If we go by the years, you have all of them full. Of course that does not bring my parents back to life or my sister back to me but you did the right steps of fixing your mistakes. Lord Ambrose. I do not wish for you to direct any anger or abuse at him for that." Lord Ambrose sighed, "So, I have to just let him be after what he did to you?" Raymond nodded, "I know that it will be hard but Sebastian is not a bad person after all. He might seem like it to you now but he did all of that for love and attention, which is kind adorable. I believe that whoever Sebastian will love in the end is going to be very lucky and protected by him. Oh, my lord. He would actually be perfectly suited to you. You may hate him right now for what he did to me but you will soon see that he is a very passionate person who cares dearly about the people he loves. While we are on the topic of people Sebastian loves, Maximillian has not woken up yet. But I am sure that he will pretty soon." I asked, "What happend to his daughter?" He answered, "She is all grown up now. I have my eyes still on her but her husband is protecting her now. And she was pregnant. On the case of what the daughter is. We are still quite sure that she is only a soulless. She has not shown any sighs of being a flayer. And her daughter, yes it is a girl, we are guessing that she is a flayer since her father is a werewolf. You have actually met both of them now." I responded, "Alright. Thank you." I was confused on who they were but Lord Ambrose replied, "I believe, you are saying that Almira and Adelaide are related to him." When he said 'him' he looked disgusted at me. Raymond nodded, "Isn't the world a small place. Oh Sebastian. Would you mind telling me how you have been? You had no chance of answering me earlier." I answered, "I have been alright. I got what I deserved." Raymond interjected, "Do not say that." Lord Ambrose replied, "No. No. No. He is right. He got what he deserved." Raymond barked at him, "He is still a living being with feelings and my friend. No need to be like this to him." The lord just sighed before he left the room. I asked, "Do you think he is mad at me?" Raymond nodded, "Sadly yes. He might hurt you. So please take care of you and be nice to him. Try to stay on his good side. I do not want you to get hurt. I think it would have been better if you stayed quiet about our situation." I shrugged with my shoulders, " I still believe that I deserve to be hurt. That is the reason I will take any punishment from my lord. If he says that I deserve to be hit till I pass out, then I will just take it. He is the one in power." Raymond argued, "But I said that I accept your apology. This is something between us not with Lord Ambrose. He has no need to do anything about it. It is in the past now." We talked for a little more before Raymond had to leave. After I said my goodbyes to him, I searched for Lord Ambrose. He was in his room. His reaction to seeing me seemed to be surprise. I spoke up, "If you want to punish me, then please do it already." He pointed for me to sit down next to him on the bed. I just did that. When I took a look at him, I felt a lot of tears going down my face and my heart was hurting so much. It ached me to think that he hated me now. He whipped away some of my tears before putting his arms around me. Then he whispered, "I can not punish you for something you have been forgiven for. Now lay yourself next to me. It is getting bright again and we need our sleep." I laid myself next to him and put my arms around him. He moved my leg up onto his hip. After a few minutes we fell asleep like this.

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