~ Chapter 26 ~

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When I awoke again, Alexander was looking at me worried. I just stood up and left the room. The only one I did not mean to hurt with my actions was him. Just shortly after I left the room, I leaned against a wall and glided down it. On the ground I just started to cry again. I heard footsteps coming closer to me, but I had no energy to look at who it was. To know who it was, I did not even have to look up since Alexander, who kneeled in front of me, said, "Everything is going to be alright. I will protect you. Even if it will cost me my life." I asked quietly, "Why do you care so much about me? I am nothing more than a used doll." His tone of voice sounded bitter, when he answered, "You are not an object. Even so, I love you that is why. You have stolen my heart, the day that we met." I laughed quietly, "Do not act like I deserved anything more than pain." Suddenly I was picked up and thrown back on the bed. I looked into his eyes and saw that he was close to tears himself. My shirt slipped a bit, which made me notice that most of the buttons were unbuttoned all the sudden. I decided to just open all of them, while Alexander stared at me. When I had all of the buttons opened, I took the shirt off and threw it onto the ground. Alexander asked, "Why did you just do that?" I answered, "It was annoying me. Ugh. All of my clothes are. I do not want wear anything at the moment, may I?" He nodded and Quickly I took all of the clothes. There were phases, where I could not stand to wear any of the clothes, especially now since I had a bandage around my waist. He threw a banyan to me and said, "Put that on please. If you are completely naked, I will want to have intercourse with you, and you are supposed to be resting at the moment." I put the banyan on and just laid down. Alexander asked, "Why would you hurt yourself?" To that I just turned away and stayed silent. He came onto the bed and started tickling me. I started to laugh and begged, "Please stop!...I can not handle, Mh~, this. Please." As soon as I noticed that I moaned I tried to free myself more out of his grasp, but he was stronger and pulled me closer. He stopped tickling me but his hands were still on me. They were going up and down my torso. I moaned. One of his hands went to my neck and the other to my nipple. He was trying to make me moan. I begged, "Touch me more, please." He chuckled, "How do you want me to touch you, love?" My hand grabbed his and moved it down. He understood what I wanted and did as I asked. After I came, we both stood up and cleaned ourselves. Then we went our separated ways. He had some business with the vampires and I went to visit my parents. My mother took me into her arms and my father greeted me, "Welcome back." I replied, "I missed you two a lot and wanted to visit you." My mother laughed, "It only has been a day, since we last saw you, love." To that I said, "I-I....It doesn't matter." Suddenly, I felt my mother's hand on my cheek. She held my face in her hand. Then she asked, "Are you having nightmares again?" I nodded and my mother quickly took me inside, where she brought me into my room. There we laid down in the bed and I opened up to my mother about everything. She listened carefully and comforted me. We talked for hours about the situation. In the end, my mother decided that she would bring me home. When we arrived home, Lawrence greeted us, "Good evening, my lord and your grace.  How do we have the pleasure of your visit, your grace?" My mother answered, "Oh. I wanted to bring my baby home, since he isn't in the best of moods." After I said my goodbyes to my mother, I went back upstairs and just sat on the bed. While I was sitting there, I asked myself, "Why am I acting so weirdly? Am I not supposed to be happy?" Suddenly, Alexander came into the room, and he smiled at me. He sat down on the bed, and I laid my head onto his lap. His hands started to play with my hair, before Alexander asked, "Why did you not say anything about your nightmares?" I answered, "I don't know, maybe I was scared, but I don't know." Alexander explained, "Love. You are only of my most important people in my life. I care dearly about you, and I do not wish for you to suffer on your own." With that I decided to tell him more about my nightmares, especially about the one with the man in the forest. I tried to stay calm and not to cry, but some tears rolled down my face and Alexander whipped them away. His expression seemed worried. I sat up and turned towards him, just before I hugged him. He kissed my forehead and whispered, "Everything is going to be alright. You are safe with me, love." His hands wrapped around my body. I asked, "Do you want to marry me in the future?" He laughed, "Of course, love. If I could only marry one person, then I would choose you." Quickly, I kissed him and went back to hugging him. He giggled, "Oh, love. You are so adorable." We stayed cuddled up for hours before we fell asleep.

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