part 6( his baby girl)

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Y/n: Kook, go and change your clothes

Jk: This is the first time someone has ordered me something, and what she just called me (thought)

Y/n: baby plz go and change

Jk:( I don't know why, but I really like it when she calls me baby) But y/nni, I don't know where my clothes are (baby voice)

Y/n: Let me check. Dad told me our clothes are in our room

Saying this y/n start going to the room. And jungkook follow her like a lost puppy. Y/n find her luggage and jk's clothes are in the almirah .

Y/n take a t-shirt and pants from the almirah

Y/n: Go and change in the bathroom, and I will change here

Jk took his clothes from y/n and started going

Jk pov ********

Jk : I come to the bathroom. She thinks l am a little boy. She even chose clothes for me.
After change into these clothes .I come back to the room.  I see y/n don't change yet

Jk: y/nni, why don't you change yet

Y/n: Thank god you come out. Kook, can you plz help me to unzip my dress

I come to  but  suddenly
I don't know why I start feeling something strange.  This is  not the first time I have come close to any girl. But she is different. She always makes me feel different.

I start to unzip her dress. Fuck she is making me hard

Jk: y/nni I am coming

I come to the bathroom

Jk: fuck, fuck, fuck  control jk control yourself

Y/n pov *******

I told kook help me to unzip my dress. And help me.  But I don't know what suddenly happened to him. With that, I changed my dress .

And I see Kook is coming out from the bathroom.

Y/n: Kook, something happens. Are you alright. If you don't feel OK, then let's go to the doctor ( worriedly)

Jk : I am  OK y/nni. I am sleepy

Y/n:  I know my baby is very tired today right.  I am also tired, come let's sleep.

We lay down on the bed. I put my head on his chest.  And hug him

Y/n: You know what, kook. i always have this in my dream . I will sleep with my husband like this. I know I never imagine  my husband with any illness. But still, it's ok .

Jk feels something wet in his chest

Jk: Is she crying( thought)?

Y/n: ok, let's sleep know. I have to wake up early tomorrow.

With that y/n sleep. And jk start  care his hair

Jk: Good night, baby girl .

Jk also hug y/n and fall asleep.

In the morning ****

Y/n pov **********

I wake up and see my baby's sleeping figure. I try to get out of bed without disturbing his sleep. But he is hugging me more tightly. But somehow, i managed.

I completed  my morning routine and started cooking our breakfast. And I  also have to make Kook's lunch. Because  I have to go college and I will have my lunch there. I already talked about this with Dad, and  he said I can continue my studies.

Dad also said I don't have to worry about Kook. One  guy will come here and take care of  Kook. As a caretaker.

I am cooking when someone hug me from behind.

Jk pov ********

I wake up  and find no one besides me
I walked through the kitchen. And find y/n cooking something.

I hugged her from behind. And nuzzled my face into her neck, crook relaxing my mind.

Y/n:  Kook, what are you doing?

I don't say anything

Y/n: Are you hungry?


Y/n: (smile) go and sit. I am coming with your breakfast.

Jk sit on the chair like a good boy.  And y/n come with their breakfast.

Jk : feed me

Y/n complete feeding jk also completed her breakfast

Y/n pov *********

I am washing the dishes when someone knocks on the door.

Dad already gave me a photo of the caretaker.

Y/n : plz  come. I am already getting late. Plz take care of Kook. And I already made his lunch plz make him eat that . With that y/n left

????: sir, should we start our work?

My baby girl Where stories live. Discover now