part 17 ( his baby girl)

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Yn's pov

I am preparing our dinner. After coming home, Kook, don't talk to me.

I came to the room and saw Kook was lying on his stomach

Yn: Kook come.  Dinner is ready

Jk, don't say anything

Yn come to jk and put her head on jk's arm

Yn: r u upset


Yn: I am sorry, Kook, please talk to your ynine

Jk, don't say anything because he doesn't like it when yn shouted on him. 

But then he heard yn was sobbing

Jk :( she is crying.  Ho no what you did jk)

Jk: ynine, I am not upset with you plz don't cry ( cute pout)

Yn: Then why are you not talking to me ?( still crying)

Jk:( wipe your tears). I am a little sleepy

Yn: But first, let's eat, then you can sleep

Jk: ok

After dinner *****

Jk is lying on the bed. When yn comes, he pretends to be sleeping

Yn pov *****

After completing dishes, I came to the bedroom and saw Kook was sleeping .

I come and put my head on his chest

Yn: You know what, Kook, get will soon. Then we will go on a date at that restaurant.  And we gonna order the most expensive dishes.

Yn is taking with jk thinking he is sleeping. But jk heard everything

Yn: But for that we need a lot of money . But two gonna work hard . After my graduation, I will find a job in a company.  You know your ynine is very smart. I am sure I gonna have a job in a big company.

Jk smiles proud, which yn don't see .

Yn: But what will you gonna do. Did you study enough?

Jk: ( What she is talking about, I am the topper of my time. No one can bet me. And why have to find a job.  I already owe so many companies)

Yn: But it will be OK we will find a simple job. You can also work in a cafe or shop

Jk: ( No, I am not gonna do that)

Yn: But what if you get tired. Then I am not gonna let u work. I can't see my baby getting tired.  I will work for us.

Jk: ( she loves me so much. She always thinks about me. But can someone love a childish boy)

Yn: Kook. Please never leave me( crying). I love you a lot. U know I love my present . If it's a dream, then I want to sleep forever. I want you always with me.

With that, yn start to cry more .

After some time jk find that yn is not moving anymore

Jk's pov *******

I see a lot of girls. And I always use them for my needs. There are a lot of girls who just run behind my money.  But yn she is different. She knows I have nothing. I can't give her anything. If she wants, she can leave me, but she is always there for me. With a childish boy. But for what? Just because she loves me.  Love is this much strong I never get to know.

I look at yn who is sleeping in my arms like a baby.

I kiss her forehead.

Jk: Sleep well, baby ( with a smile)

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