part 21 (his baby girl)

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Yn's pov

We are sleeping

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We are sleeping . I want to get up, but Kook is not in the mood to leave me.
Suddenly my phone started ringing.

Yn: Kook, leave me . I have to pick up the call.

Jk: Love plz let me sleep. You know I can't sleep without you.

Yn: Just let me pick up the call, and then I will sleep with my baby.

Yn pushed jk a little jk also let you go

Yn look at the id, and it's yn's dad

In call ****

Yn: Hello, dad. How are you? Why did you call me this morning? Everything is fine, nah?( worriedly)

Y/d: Yes, princess came down. I call you because I have good news .(happily)

Yn:Ooo . What happened? You sound very happy.

Y/d: Tomorrow is Lia's engagement

Yn: o really dad, I am very happy for her . Congratulated her for me.

Y/d: Why don't you wish her by yourself

Yn: ok, tomorrow I will congratulate her by myself.

Y/d: Why not today? You are coming here today.

Yn: But dad I...

Y/d: No, but yn . After your wedding you forget your dad . You don't ever come to meet me once. I miss you, princess . Don't you miss your dad?

Yn: Stop your emotional drama. Iam come. (Smile)

Y/d: It means I am still a good actor (proudly). Ok, now come fast . I am waiting.

Yn cut the call when someone hugged her from behind.

Jk: What your dad said?

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Jk: What your dad said?

Yn: Dad says tomorrow is Lia's engagement .

Jk: ok, we will go there tomorrow

Jk starts to kiss yn's neck hungrily

Yn: No, we have to go there today.

Jk's eyes wide open. And look at yn's face.

Jk: But love, we have a lot of plans for today . You promised me.

Yn: Baby, I also don't want to go, but we have to go .

(((( yn and jk decide that they will spend time together. So they also said Jack not to come. Jk, though, that they will do it again. Jk also takes Promise from yn that will spend her full day with jk. So, jk is very excited for today. But it looks like his plan spoiled ))))

Yn: Now get up, we will do breakfast . And then we have to leave.

Jk: But love..

Yn: No, but Kook got up

Jk: Love forgot breakfast. Let do that again, then we will go.

Jk started to open his t -shirt.

Yn: On Kook, my body is still in pain. I don't know how you get to know all that. You were so rough last night .

Yn eyes wide open

Yn: Kook, tell me truthful. Did you see any type of video when I was not at home. ( angrily)

Jk: No love

Yn: Then Jack.

Jk: Love, why we are wasting our time.

Yn: No kook. We are not going to do anything.

Jk: But I like it

Yn: No, Kook, go fresh up and come for breakfast.

Yn left

Jk: Love wait, Loveeeee.

Time skip ******

Yn and jk is out side of yn's house door

Jk: Just one kiss . You don't ever kiss me from morning

Yn: No, Kook, what if someone sees us

Jk: Love, we are not school gf and bf.We are husband and wife .

Yn give up, and going to kiss jk when someone open the door.

Y/d: Why are you standing outside? Come inside . Come jungkook

They go inside. jk is looking at yn . Yn don't even look at him.

Lia's pov ****

Me and mom are talking about my engagement . When this yn and her mantle husband came.

Yn: Hi Lia, congrats

Lia just rolled her eyes. Yn's smile feeds away. And jk is holding yn's hand he doesn't say anything .

Y/d: Lia, you are going shopping, right

Lia: Yes, dad, why?

Y/d : Take yn with you

Lia: But why dad ?

Y/d: she also needs a dress for the party.

Lia, don't say anything because she knows her dad

Lia:ok yn get ready we are leaving in one hour.

Yn: ok

Lia, go to his room

Yn's dad came and said

Y/d: Take this card and buy a pretty dress, and jungkook needs suit

Yn: No, dad . Jungkook's dad gave me a card, and he said I could buy anything from that card.

Y/d: You sure

Yn: hm

Yn look at jk and said

Yn: baby, you're coming with me, or are you gonna stay here

Jk: I will come with my ynine

Yn: ok

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