part 41(his baby girl)

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Yn: You never love me . You are a liar.

Jk: No, no ,no  love . I love you. I can do anything for you.

Jk tried to touch yn, but he couldn't touch her.

Yn: You kill me jungkook.  You kill me .  You kill your love

Jk: I don't kill you. I love you, and I can't think about hurting you.

Yn start to disappear

Jk: Love, please don't go. I can't live with you.  Please don't leave me. Please love, I beg you.  Don't go


JK, sit on the bed. He is sweating badly. He looks at the clock it's 10 am .

Jk smiled in pain. Now it's normal for him . Yn come in his dreams. But jk like this.

Jk love at yn's picture and and say

Jk: Love, I am going to have a long day today. 

Peck on her photo.

In France ****

Yn is working on some paper when sana comes

Sana: Boss is calling you

Yn: me ?why?

Sana: Who knows ?

Yn come infront of his cabin and knocked

Boss: Come in

Yn:Sir, you call me .

Boss: Hmm . You know our partner we have a meeting with him today.  But at night.

Yn: But sir, you know I have a baby. I can't stay out at night.

Boss: I am sorry, yn, but this meeting is important.  And that's why I called you.  You made this project, and if you don't attend, then it will be a loss

Yn: ok, sir, I will manage something.

Yn left his cabin with an angry face

Sana:What happened?

Yn: Nothing, just a meeting.


Yn: I am thinking of leaving this job


Yn: I am going back to Korea (thinking something)


Yn: My baby had the right to meet his dad, and Kook also has the right to know about jungsung.  So

Sana: Don't you think he already moved on

Yn: I know.  But thinking about jungsung . I think he also needs his dad, love . I will tell him that he'll give some time to jungsung.  Me and jungsung will not come to his family. Just one day in a week. (Sadly)

Sana: And what if he doesn't move on yet.

Yn look at Sana

Yn: I will try my best to make a  family with like we imagined . I always want jungsung to have a family.  But I guess I am blind that time. That I can't see that my baby wants his dad.

Sana:it's ok. You are a strong woman .anyway, when you're leaving . This is my LAST month.

Sana: ok

Jk's pov *****

I just came to France .I am in a car  going to the hotel. When I see an ice cream shop.

Flashback ***

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