part 24(his baby girl)

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Mark:David sir

Y/d: You know each other

Make:we work in the same office

Y/d:ooo that's great

Yn's dad is going to say something when someone calls him

Y/d: You continue. I am coming

Y/d left

Mark : David, sir, you have a son. I thought you never married anyone .

Jack:He has a son without marriage.

Yn and Lia are standing there like a stone .

Yn:(ooo, that's why I never see Kook's mom.)


David:yea you all enjoy. I am coming.

Mark: What are you doing here, Jack ?

Jack: You forgot you invite me in your engagement .


Jack:How can you forget you are the one who was saying me please Jack come to my engagement party otherwise I'll not going to engage.

Mark: But I don't meet you for so lon...

Jack doesn't let Mark complete his sentence

Jack: yn, I am very hungry. Let's there

Yn: But I don't ..

Jack:No, but let's go

Jack holds yn hand and leaves

Lia: You know them, baby

Mark: David sir is my boss's assistant, and Jack is also one of the boss's trusted man.

Lia: What Jack is yn's husband's caretaker.

Mark: What?

Lia: Yes, yn's husband is mentally ill, so Jack is here for yn's husband.

Mark;(something is wrong. Nowadays, boss don't come office. David, sir, have a son . Jack is a caretaker. I have to find out what is going on)

On the other hand, **********

David: Where are you, young master

David see, jk is coming out from the

David:Young master, Mark is here

Jk: Who is Mark ?

David: Mark is one of our employees who is Lia's fiance .

Jk: What? David, do something I don't want yn to know about me

When suddenly Jack came here with yn.

Yn: Kook, you come out . Let's go meet with Lia's fiance. You haven't met him yet.  Come .

Jk: ynine I am not feeling well let's go back to our home..

Yn: No, Kook, the engagement is not over yet.

Jk: ynine, please (with baby voice)

Yn: But bab..

David: yn you know about his health. Don't argue now.

Yn can't say anything to David.

Yn: Let's meet dad, and then we will leave

David: yn, you  leave. I will talk to your dad

Yn: ok dad (with sad face)

Yn and jk left from there.

Time skip **

Jk's pov ***

We have already come out from the party. We are waiting for a car out of the house. I look at yn who is looking too sad.

Jk:( I am so sorry, baby girl . But I can't afford to lose you. I will die if I leave you. So you have to live with me forever)

Jk: Love,  I am sorry.

Yn don't say anything

Jk: Love your Kook is sorry plz forgive me.

Yn: Why you are saying sorry kook it's not you fault. I just want to  meet dad once.

Jk: That's why my ynine is sad .(cutely)

Yn nodded at his cuteness

Suddenly, jk cupped your cheeks and leaned in and slammed his lips on yours softly. All of your actions stopped as your eyes widened . His eyes are closed, and he kisses you softly and passionately .

After some time, you realised you were out. So you pushed, jk .

You both were breathing heavily.

Yn: For what you did that?

Jk: I hear if someone is sad kiss her she will be happy.

Hearing this yn also smiled

Jk: See, my love is also smiling. It means it's work.

They both started laughing.  Suddenly, yn hugged jk tightly .

Yn: I love you, Kook

Jk: I love you too, my love

They are spending their sweet memories without knowing someone is watching them for so long.


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