part 46 (his baby girl)

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Jungsung started crying after realising that jk is not here.

Yn pov***

O shit what I did. I should make a good excuse.

Yn: baby dadda, go outside for a walk.
(Trying to stop jungsung crying)

Jungsung: No, no, you are lying. Dadd-aa again leave us.(crying)

Yn: baby, please try to understand that dadda will come soon .please stop.

Jungsung: No, ca-ll him. Call da-dda no-w .

Yn : baby, please st...

(Her words cut off by a bell)

I come and open the door, and hopefully, it's jungkook .

Yn: Thanks for coming, sir(making face )

Jk: What happened (confused)

Yn: Your son is dying for you.

Hearing jungsung name jk run to the room. And see, jungsung is crying.

See, jk jungsung, stop crying .

Jungsung: dad-da

Jk come and hugs jungsung

Jk: baby, don't dadda is here now.

Jungsung: Why leave without meeting me.

Jk: Baby, you forgot we are going to Korea today . So I go to arrange everything.

Jungsung: oooo yeah, I forgot.

Jk: Now go get ready. (Kiss his cheek)

Jungsung, go for get ready .

Jk look at yn and say

Jk: Go and get ready (coldly)

Yn : I am already ready as say we are leaving early morning. But how will you notice you are into your son that you ever don't notice me.

Yn leave from the room with an angry face

Jk smiled

Jk: Oh, so my love is jealous of his own son. (Smile)

Still yn's pov ****

We came to the airport where a jet is waiting for us .

Jungsung was so happy after seeing this. He is running here to there. I simply sit and am happy after seeing jungsung .but I am a little nervous about how will I face mom dad(Mr.jeon and Mrs. jeon ). My dad knows I here. I contacted him sometime. Without him, none know about me, not ever, Ria.

Jk come and after seeing jungsung jumping on the bed.

Jk: baby, you like it?

Jungsung: I love it, dadda.

Jk: And we have games here, too.


Jk, look at a girl who is standing there.

Jk: Show him the game.

The girl shows jungsung some video game.

Jk ordered food for them.

After some jk and jungsung finished their food. But yn is eating now because that time she is feeding jungsung.

Yn take a bit of pasta, and at jk nervously who is working on laptop

Yn: Kook, I want to say something

Jk looked at yn and again looked at his laptop, giving yn permission to say.

Yn look at jungsung, who is busy playing games .

Yn: Let'sforgeteverything.(in one go)

Jk look at yn with cold eyes

Yn: Let's forgive each other and start a new life with jungsung like a good parent.

Jk:(not so fast, baby . Till now, I am the one craving for your love, and now it's your time)

Jk rolls his eyes

Yn's eyes wide open

Yn: Oh, what an attitude .

Yn angrily bite the empty fork.

Jk smiled, seeing yn

They all come to Korea. The car is already waiting for them. The ride went silently. Jungsung is also silently because he is tired.

Guards open the mansion's gate. Car comes inside the mansion.  Driver open the car.yn and jk come out from car. Jk takes jungsung in his arm.

They come inside and see Mr. jeon and Mrs.jeon are waiting for them

(Jk already told them about yn and jungsung.  From that time, they were impatient to see jungsung)

Mrs. jeon smiled, and come to jk

Mrs.jeon:  Is he

Jk nodded .

Jungsung is so tired. His face hides in jk's neck. Yn is standing with little distance.

Jk rub jungsung back, and say

Jk: baby, look here . Baby (smile)

Jungsung, look at Mrs jeon with rubbing his eyes.

Mrs.jeon: he looks like you.

Jk smiled here this.

Mrs.jeon tried to touch jungsung, but he moved

Jungsung: dad-da

Saying this, he hugged jk's neck and hid his face again

Jk: baby, what happens ?

Yn: he doesn't like unknown people around him

Mrs.jeon, look at yn and say

Mrs.jeon: Isn't he supposed to know us the most( a little rude )

Jk: baby, it's your grandmother .

Jungsung again, look at them .

Mrs.jeon: hi .

Jk:say hi baby

Mrs.jeon: it's ok. Give him some time to KNOW US(looking at yn)

Jungsung: dadda, I am sleepy

Jk: I am sorry, baby dadda, forgot .is the room ready.

Mr.jeon : Not yet. It will take time till tomorrow.


Mr.jeon : What I can do with that. you want everything in this short time.

Mrs.jeon: Why are you saying him it's not his fault .

Jk: ok, I will make him sleep in my room. Is that clear now?

He asked because his room was full of alcohol .

Mr.jeon : Yeah. After hearing about him, I told maid to clean everything .

Jk: ok then.

Jk started to walk to his room with jungsung.

Yn look at Mrs.jeon

Yn:mom, how are yo....

Mrs.jeon: Let's go. we have work to do

Say to Mr.jeon . And they left.

Yn smiles sadly. And started to go to jk's room.

But here is some whose blood is boiling after seeing yn

????: Why this bitch come back to his life. Ahhhh

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