Chapter 24

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Jay's POV

"Track her and search the whole country if you have to," I ordered the head security guard, my voice rough and filled with fury. "Alert the entire security team. This is an emergency. I need everyone looking for her. Make it clear: this is life or death. If you can't find her soon, I'll hold each of you accountable. I'll erase your entire history. Got it?" With a nod mixed with fear and determination, he left to start the black code protocol. My security had failed me; they were supposed to be the best, yet they let her slip away, watching as she ran barefoot and did nothing.

I made a mental note to ensure this kind of incompetence never happened again. I sent a message to Jake and James to meet me at my place. It had taken only seconds for her to run, and adrenaline surged through my veins, signaling something was wrong.

Grabbing my phone, I checked the CCTV footage, watching her check her phone before she ran. Whatever made her flee was still a mystery, fueling my growing madness. I checked the external cameras and glared at the negligent guards who had failed to stop her. I needed to review the street CCTV, so I quickly logged into my laptop.

The fog outside made it hard to see, and several cameras were offline. I clenched my fist and slammed it on the desk in frustration, furious that she was out there, vulnerable.

The shrill ring of my phone snapped me out of my daze, and I answered quickly. It was the security head. "We've located her phone, Sir, but it's locked."

"Bring it to me now," I ordered, my voice firm. Every second was risky, and I couldn't stand the thought of her being in danger alone.

The bomb that tore through the port, apparently set up by Kalia according to her last words, hit me hard. I couldn't wrap my head around why she felt she had to go to such extremes. Maybe she aimed to take out Chad and his men. But the fact that she kept this whole plan hidden from me... it cut deep.

Looking back, I realized she was scared, especially of me. She didn't get that I'd rather face a hundred hells than see her hurt. I got too caught up digging into her past and missed the danger staring us right in the face. I beat myself up for missing the signs, for not seeing how much she needed help.

Failing to protect her from all this mess, it weighs heavy on me. I swear, anyone who even thinks about touching her will meet a world of hurt they can't imagine. Just thinking of someone trying to take what's mine sends a surge of anger through me, like a primal instinct kicking in, ready to protect what matters most.


The search went on non-stop into the next day, every moment filled with more tension and worry. No time for sleep, my mind was focused on finding her, making sure she was safe. Nobody rested until she was back in my arms. Every minute felt like forever.

I kept moving, working with Xander to go through the city's CCTV footage, looking for any sign, any clue to find her. When we discovered Kalia's escape car abandoned and burned, the worry in my stomach only got worse. She was in danger, and Oscar's involvement made it even more serious.

After getting Kalia's phone, I went through her messages, trying to figure out why she disappeared. Tony's name came up a lot; he was important to her plans. Sadly, he got hurt in the explosion and was in the hospital, fighting for his life. Knowing how much he meant to Kalia, I made sure he got the best medical care.

As we pieced everything together, the seriousness of the situation hit me hard. Time was running out, and the danger was growing. It was a race against time to get her back safely.

I walked into his office without knocking, anger burning inside me. All I could think about was the pain she had been through, the lies she had to tell, and that awful contract Easton made her sign. My fist hit his face, and he hit back, but I didn't feel the pain. I just kept hitting him, hoping it would somehow ease the pain and guilt inside me.

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