The School Bully, chapter 4

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𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

I had just gotten to school and started walking through the halls when I saw the upper classman that Cove bumped into bullying one of the first years. I walked up closer to get in between the bullying. "Ok punk just give me your lunch money already or I'll beat you up" the upper classman said as I started getting closer the kids that he had up against the lockers started to speak. "B-but I already told you I don't have any money" said the guy that was being held by the collar up against the lockers. "I wont ask again-" "Leave him alone!" I shouted without thinking, then the upper classman looked me up and down before laughing. "What's so funny twerp?" I said annoyed with his response. "Are you really trying to defy me?" he said laughing. "Your delusional, like you could take me on! I mean look at yourself your so weak! you couldn't defy me even if you tried. So maybe sit this one out little girl" He said only making me even more mad. He went back to bullying that boy and the anger inside me only boiled hotter. I pushed him away from the boy he was bullying "the crap was that little shrimp? are you trying to defy me? Your so damn weak." He said with flames in his eyes I knew he was mad at me but that didn't matter. I got into my best fighting pose ready for any attacks he tried to hit me with, but even then he still overpowered me. He pinned me to the floor in a matter of minutes. "you thought you could win against me didn't you? Famous last words shorty" He said only making me want to kick him where it hurts, so bad. "Nothing to say? Aww so cute" He said teasing me in a way that so damn annoying. "Don't ever call me shorty again you piece of crap." I said is a whisper. "Oh what's that shorty? are you getting upset? Oh wah wah no one cares." He said as he stopped pinning me to the floor and stood up. I hadn't realized till now that a whole crowd of school kids gathered to watch the fight. I stood up shaking of the dust from the floor, as I saw Cove through the crowd. "Well now what do you want me to call you? or does Mr. bully work for you." I said looking at the upper classman. "You can call me Aaron. and for the record sweetie I'll be bullying you from now on." He said cackling as he walked away. Even though I started the fight I didn't feel bad about it, after all I helped that kid out.

𝘾𝙤𝙫𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I watched the fight that Katie had with that Aaron guy and I was to shocked I didn't know she was so strong or had enough nerve to start a fight, or to protect that one kid that was being bullied. I pushed my way through the crowd of kids to where Katie was standing. "Hey Katie, That was amazing!" "I suppose I'm just glad we didn't get caught" She said with nervous laughter. "I mean I don't feel bad about starting the fight at all" She said in a serious tone. I knew she wasn't joking about not feeling bad about it, even though she got tackled and wasn't able to get in to many hits on him she was still ok with that. "Well either way we should get going to class. Or we'll be late." I said and at that moment the bell rang and the crowd of teens went off to their classes. "I guess we should go to." Katie said grabbing me by my sleeve and pulling me to class. Later on at lunch more trouble was awaiting the both of us, as we entered the cafeteria. Katie tugged on my sleeve and looked up at me and whispered "Why is Aaron sitting at our table?" I looked over to see that he was in fact sitting at our table. We got our food and walked to our table. Katie put her tray down as soon as we got there and sat down quickly as she stared at Aaron who was sitting at our table. "What is it shorty? Am I that handsome you have to stare at me while you eat? Can't take your eyes off of me can you?" he said chuckling. I looked at Katie to see her reaction but her expression was the same as before, then a heard Aaron say "Ow! What was that for?" Wait did she kick him under the table? "Ow cut it out shorty" Aaron said. Ha! she is kicking him. I looked under the table to see that she really was kicking him. "Are you trying to start a fight or what?" Aaron said he looked annoyed by her actions. "I wouldn't say I wanna fight right here right now but this is payback for making fun of my height and tackling me" Katie said with a kind of cute like annoyed face. She stopped kicking him and finished eating when the bell rang we all went back to our classes.

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