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"dan you really aren't too old for this "taylor said and her and her bodyguard walked up the stairs to her apartment .

"i don't want to leave you miss ,trust me but i'm 56 ,i'm not as fast as the younger ones "he said and they stopped at her door and faced eachother and taylor sighed .

"i'll miss you too kid "dan said and brought her into a large embrace.

"what's all about this new guy they sent anyway "taylor said when they pulled apart .

"i don't know much ,he's very tall ,strong .none of his past clients got hurt in anyway but he's firm ,that's all i could get "dan said and taylor groaned .

"i just can't believe your moving out and i have to live with a new guy "taylor said and put her palm in her face .

"hey ,i'm sure he won't be that bad kiddo "he said and wrapped his arm around the twenty five year old .

they walked in the door and both looked at eachother confused .

there was a tall man hovering around the living space ,looking out the large windows into new york .

"mr kelce ,didn't know you was getting here so soon "dan said and cleared his voice .

the man turned around slowly ,putting his large hands in his pant pockets . he was  a 6'5,31 year old man .
had a buzzcut and a slight beard .he was wearing a black suit with a white jumper underneath and a gold necklace.he was a smart man ,well dressed,spoken ,very clean and smelt fresh .

taylor's blue orbs widened and her cheeks became a maroon colour when she saw him .he wasn't the usual type she went for but ,he was gorgeous . taller than her,handsome ,had a beard .she looked at his long legs and muscly arms that you could see through this suit jacket and she bit the inside of her cheek as he walked over slowly and with confidence .

"i like to be punctual "he said .his voice was deep .

dan nodded and put his hand out and travis looked down slightly and shook it .firm handshake .

taylor looked right up,as she wasent wearing heels .his cologne filled her nostrils and she put her hand out for him to shake .her hands were like a tiny rain droplets  com paired to his  .

just as taylor was about to open her mouth he did first .

"you need new windows"he said and taylor scrunched up her eyebrows .

who does he think he is ?!first words he says to me is advice that's not necessary .

"and why is that "taylor said and put her hands on her hips sassily .

"not secure enough "he said emotionless .

"i think they're fine "taylor scoffed .

"uh guys ,i think i should go ..taylor call me anytime .i'm always here for you "dan said and taylor  turned to him and they embarked into another warm hug .

"bye dan ,have fun on retirement "taylor said and showed her dimples .

"bye taylor , don't change"he said and winked as he closed the door .

after dan left ,taylor tugged on the sleeve of her shirt nervously .he was just staring at her ,looking her up and down ,lifting his sunglasses .

"so ,about those windows -"

"i don't need new windows !"taylor interrupted .

"oh your one of them are you? " travis said condescendingly and smirked .

"what are you talking about ?"taylor asked and pouted .

"them spoilt pop stars ,your way or no way "he said and scoffed slightly .

taylor was actually deeply offended by that .she had never once in her life been called spoilt ,because she wasent .she just didn't like that this new guy had been here less than an hour and he was already dictating .

"for your information ,i'm not spoilt .not one bit .i just don't appreciate your being here less than an hour and your already bossing me about .no introduction or anything just 'you need new windows '.you give respect to me ,you get it back "taylor said and crossed her arms and looked up at him ,rage in her eyes .

"i'm not here to be your friend blondie ,i'm here for one reason and one reason only ,to protect you .you may technically be the boss .but i'm the boss now ,meaning you do what i say ,when i say it and you remain safe .got it ?"he said and took a step closer making taylor tremble a little .

she shot him daggers with her eyes .

"go .unpack "she said and  said each word separately.
she went around his giant frame and stomped up the stairs .

"and don't call me blondie!"taylor shouted and slammed her bedroom door .

how could i be fooled by his rugged ,handsome looks .he's a devil in disguise .

taylor thought as she fell back on her bed .

wow ,blondies feisty.just cause she's a pretty pop star dosent mean she is the boss in this situation ,sure i'm strict ,but my rules work .

travis thought as he picked up his suitcase and walked to his room .


promise the rest won't be in third person ,this was just to introduce .

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