mine only

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taylors pov :

i batted my aqua marine ,glossy eyes and looked up at travis .his large ,hard arms were fully wrapped around my naked body ,i was lay on him as he held me tightly.he was still sleeping beautifully so i reached up and put my warm hand on his frozen cheeks and ran the tip of my fingers through his short beard .

we've had this... arrangement (you could say ),for about a month now .i haven't talked to my parents since they brought john here ..but im happy -extremely.last night ,we played lots of board games ,competitively .we sat on the roof with binoculars and laughed at different people on the streets of the city .we talked about absolutely anything ,i played him some songs on my guitar while we drank white wine .and then we had sex .it was the most beautiful night i have had in a while .i smiled so much that my cheeks actually sting today .

i stayed in that position ,breathing in and out his natural scent ,hoping his smell would stay inside me for as long as i can breathe .don't get me wrong ,i love having sex with him-a lot .but now that he's more comfortable around me and he smiles and laughs...one smile from him is worth 10 orgasms .

i saw his emerald eyes slowly come to an awakening and i felt his grip tighten on me .i kissed his chest ,as that was the only accessible part of him and put my head back on his chest  .i felt his chuckle vibrating through my whole body ,toes to ears .

one of his arms let go on my frame and he pushed my hair from my face and smiled tirelessly.

"now i can see your pretty face "he said and i felt my rib cage being thud against by my heart and my cheeks redden .

"i don't look so pretty in the morning "i giggled and interlocked our fingers .

"really ?i think you look the best here "he exclaimed and kissed the tip of my nose .

"so what .."i cut myself off before i asked that .why possibly ruin this moment ?ill ask it later-or now .
just say it !!
so what are we , a couple ??

"what's up doll? "he said and i moved closer to his face and kissed his lips lightly .

"so what ...are we doing tonight ?"i spit out .

"well actually ..i was planning meeting up with some old friends ...they are all on the city right now "he said and i tried not to show my disappointment.selfish ,i know .but sometimes i often forget its not just us who exist .i haven't seen anyone but him in a while .and i love-

"you wanna come ?"he asked my my excitement rose .if he wants to me meet his old friends he must like me ,right ?

travis pov:

i love these moments .just me and her .i especially love how happy she's been recently.like she's only thinking about her .what she wants .whats good for her .only her opinion counts .i don't even know what we are  .i like this for sure ,she's great to talk to and we laugh together .shes kind to me ,and others .greattt in bed .

but ..iv never had a real relationship...i wouldn't be a good boyfriend.and she's finally happy now ,what if we broke up ?she's finally recovered and i would be picking her up and putting her back at the starting line when she's nearly at the end.


-walking into the bar -

"you look so fucking hot "i whispered as we glided through the crowd .i felt her hand come to me and slightly grab my crotch before she cheekily winked and we found my friends .they all stood and we gave hugs and handshakes .

i saw michele's eyes fixated on the women slightly behind me .glued almost .micheals the child of my friends ,he's kind of innocent and always the sweet one and resolving fights .alex is the dick ,sometimes .we all love him but he NEVER knows when to just stop talking and shut the fuck up .luke is the funniest ,he can make a joke out of anything and we will all piss ourselves.

"so this is the friend i was bringing "i said and grabbed taylor's waist and brought her infroumt of me .she waved and chuckled nervously as they all gulped in awe and shock .she sat down on the booth and i sat next to her and ran my hand up and down her leg , comfortingly.

"your erm ..friend was her ?!"luke  asked stuttering a little .

"aren't you cancelled!?i would be scared to go out to be honest "alex said and took a sip of his beer .i saw taylor look down and fidget with her nails slightly .

"erm yes ..i guess you could say that "she said clearing her throat nervously at  the end .

"isnt it cause you lied about kanye ?"luke asked and she looked up desperately.

"i-i didn't lie ,i swear "taylor said butting in quickly.

"we don't know everything alex ,don't assume "micheal spoke up and i think taylor relaxed abit .

"enough questions ,i brought her here to have fun .not to be interviewed "i said and leant back .

"i'm getting a drink babe "taylor said and i saw the regret in her amazing  eyes as she said it .i don't even know what happened ,that word just ..triggered me .

"we arent a couple taylor ..no need for pet names "i said it and almost instantly regretted it when i saw the glossy tears and betrayal in her pretty eyes .and when i heard the snickers and chuckles  from my friends .

"wait ..tay-"i was cut off .

"your right ,we aren't "she said harshly and all the sadness turned into anger .

i watched her as she went up to some random guy and grabbed his collar and kissed him .he kissed her back too .i could see his hands go around to the small of her back and him moving her closer to him as she stuck her tongue down his throat .she pulled away from him , smirked at me and flipped me off before storming to the bathroom .

i quickly followed ,not even starting on the guy -yet .i went into the ladies with not care in the world and saw taylor re-applying her red lipstick in the mirror and she shot me a look when i came in .

"what are you doing ?!"i asked trying to keep my cool .

"looking presentable so i can go fuck somone "she said muffled as she was applying her
makeup .but i heard every syllable .i grabbed her wrist swiftly and pulled her into the nearest cubicle .

"yeah,your fucking me "i said through gritted teeth .

"why do you care who i do and do not have sex with ,it's not like we are a couple or anything "she said and glared up at me with her hands on his hips .with no warning ,i turned her small silhouette around so her hands were on the closed toilet seat and i pulled up her dress and my pants had already come down at this point .i ran my penis over her slit ,that was still covered with her thing .

"who are you fucking "i said and she whimpered slightly as i ran it along .

"who ?!"

"y-you "taylor cried out and i slid her thong down her legs .

"you mine ,okay ?"i said and put my fingers
in her curly hair and one on her hip ,lining myself up .

"y-yes ,yours "she breathed heavily .

"my girlfriend "i said and tugged her hair lightly .

"so we are a couple then huh ?she said and i could her the smirk and smugness in her voice .i slammed into her ,hard and fast .it shut her up and instead i got a loud moan that echoed through the bathroom .

"yes ...we're ..a ..fucking....couple "i said between heavy thrusts .by this point ,i was the only thing holding her up,trickles of sweat dripped down her back and she tirelessly gasped and moaned everytime i hit a new spot .

"mine only "i spat out as we both became undone and i collapsed on her wet back.

sorry it took so sooo long to update ,no motivation at all .so here's this and a new chapter of my other tayvis book is out.

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