how is this happening?

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taylor's pov ;

i opened the door and mom and dad are here ?!they haven't visited new york in like a year and called me at least once while i'm suffering the most pain i have ever felt in my life ,and they just show up here ?!i was definitely sober now .

"guys didn't tell me you were coming "i said and tried to plaster a fake smile on my face .

"yes well we knew if we told you then you wouldn't allow us to "my mother said and pushed past me and they both came inside my apartment.

"interrupting something taylor ?"my father looked at travis .

"erm no ..this is travis ,my bodyguard "i said and travis stood up and walked to us .i could see the shock in my parents eyes when they saw how tall he was .

"i wasn't aware mark was replaced "my mother said and looked travis up and down .even if she didn't mean for it to sound like she was throwing shade ,it did .

"well he retired"i said and an uncomfortable silence grew over us .

"what are you wearing taylor ,cover up "my mother said i looked down at myself and looked at her confused .i was wearing a jumper and pj shorts's 10 pm .

"what ?!mom i'm dressed for bed "i said and she scoffed .

"why are you guys here anyway ,it's not like you to come unannounced ?"i asked and ran my hand through my blonde locks .

"well taylor ,we haven't fully discussed it with tree yet ,but there's no discussion to be made ,you will be doing this ."my father said firmly .travis and i looked at eachother with both confusion and fear .

"what is it ?"i asked with a slight tremble in my voice .

"your getting married ."my mom said .my eyes bulged and i almost laughed .i did not expect that of all things .

"no i'm not "i said and chucked slightly .then i saw them both looking at me in the way that meant they are serious .

"no i'm not ."i said more serious .travis was showing the most emotion than i think he ever has ,he usually keeps facial expressions and talking to a minimum but he looked flabbergasted.

"yes you are "my father said .

"what ,why ?!"i exclaimed and put my hands on my hips .i'm not getting married ,no way but i want to hear their input on why they flew all the way here for this .

"your public imagine is a disgrace right now taylor ,your officially known as a snake ,liar and a slut "my mother said .

ouch .

"so ?!,those things aren't true !"i said slightly raising my voice .

"true or not your dragging the swift name through the sewers with you and you need someone to boost it back up "my father explained .

it was cruel .it was harsh .but also true ,if i was them
i'd be embarrassed of me .i sighed and sat on a stood ,putting my head in my hands .

"i'm going to go to my room ,seems like a private matter i don't need to take part on "travis said and gave me a certain look as he walked up through stairs .

"we know this is difficult to hear but ,we need you to at least be in a relationship with him ,a serious one so there's no more 'sleeping around ' rumors "my mum explained and put her cold hand on my back .

i knew my dad was not happy about what my mother said ,he wants me to get married .

"i'll meet him ,that's it .if i like him enough to be around him and tolerate him for a couple hours ,then i'll consider using him as my fake BOYFRIEND not husband "i said and gave in .

"thank you darling ,now that wasn't so hard was it now ?" my father said and they both left .

i immediately burst into tears when they left .little drops of salt water escaped from my eyes as dropped
onto my marble counter i was sat over .

i slumped upstairs and couldn't even stop my body ,no matter how hard i tried to gravitated toward travis 'room .i came in and my vision was still blurry from crying .he peeked slightly over his book and put it down as soon as he saw my puffy eyes .i slumped on the spot next to him and lay on my back , facing the roof and i exhaled deeply.

"so ?"he asked and i tilted my head to my right side .

"i compromised into meeting him once,no marriage ."

"hm "travis mumbled and seemed like be was unsure .

"your sound jealous"i said and smirked up
at him.

"nope,i'm not "he said defensively.

"look about that kiss .."i trailed off .

"yes it was a mistake "travis said and a hypothetical dagger stabbed me right in my centre .

"erm yeah ..that's what i was gonna say "i  said ,my voice breaking slightly .

"what time are you meeting mystery guy then ?"travis asked as i held back tears .

"oh erm 12"i stuttered and saw him nod in the corner of my eye .

a silence lingered over the two as they both stared up at the ceiling.a couple minutes later ,taylor got up from the bed and began walking to her bedroom.

"night trav "she looked back .

" goodnight blondie " he sighed .

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