slowly sinking

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WARNING :mention of suicide ,drugs .
july 17th 2016
dear diary ,

i don't know what is going on recently .i just feel like everyday i'm forced to do things ,i don't actually want to do and the hates coming in hard .ever since 'famous came out i'm getting a lot of hate ,it's manageable right now but it's still bad .i haven't left the house in about a week ,minimal talking with travis .forget anything happening there ,i haven't connected with him in a while .i just don't think i'm made for this .anyway i'm going out for the first time in a while ,also i bleached my hair ..bold move i know but ..i needed a change .


taylor's pov :

i really didn't have the energy to put any makeup on today so i'm just putting sunglasses on with jeans and a jumper .

"travis  !"i shouted upstairs putting my trainers on .

he came jogging down the stairs in jeans and a t shirt:he's usually in suits so this is very casual .

"you okay ?"he said and walked toward me .

"i need to go on a quick shopping trip ..i need new underwear ,pjs "i said and yawned .

"are you tired ?"he said and squinted .

"hm a little but i haven't left the house in a while "i mumbled .im mostly tired because i haven't slept in days ,but i also haven't been keeping on top of my eating habits as good as i should .the stress is just getting to me these days  .

"i know you haven't ,taylor you can talk to me you know ?"he said and i looked down .

"nothing to talk about " i said and ran my hand through my hair .

"you don't have to ,i mean i know that we aren't exactly close "he said .

"can we just go please ?"i said and he nodded sadly and i put my purse over my shoulder and went out the door .
travis ' pov :

i know what's going on ,i'm not stupid .i have a phone ,even though i don't go on it a lot i knew she wasn't okay and all i had to do was open twitter . everytime i try to talk to her she walks away ,if she's not already in her room (which she usually is ).i thought us not talking would help me push those little feelings  down but it hasent ,i feel almost protective of her .she's bleeched her hair too ,i think she looks cute .

she's just got her stuff and it's a little dark now .as soon as i approached the shop door to let her out .i heard a crowd ,fucking papparazzi will have a field day over seeing her slowly falling apart .she's in jeans and a sweater ,not her usually heels and short dresses ,no makeup ,sunglasses .she still looked amazing in my opinion but i know she's gonna be getting some backlash .

"there's a lot of paps "i said and peeked  out the little door window .

"i expected it "she said and took her sunglasses off .she looked up at me ,big bags under her eyes and they were glossy .

"do i need the glasses ?"she asked and i didn't want to hurt her but i nodded .

i opened the door and jesus christ .there was more then iv ever seen with any of my clients .and i have had big names ,they were climbing over eachother ,hovering over the door like animals .

i pushed through them all and taylor went in frount of me , i paved a path with my arms to the car .





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