im doing whatever i fucking want .

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taylor's pov :

"why on earth are you dressed like that "my mother said with a disgusted expression .i crossed my arms after tucking stray hairs behind my ears .

"we all thought that we could have breakfast together "john spoke up and i looked at him coldly .

"mh,mh"i hummed and shook my head side to side .

"well we are all getting to know john abit better ,this is a good opportunity "dad said and i had just had enough .

"no!im not getting to know him better "i spoke slightly raising my voice .

"yes you are !"my mother said loudly .

of course im not fucking 'getting to know him better '.i hate him with a passion .im not sure why my parents are so fixated on getting us back together ,the public honesty aren't so crazy about him .

"all of you leave !"i finally said loudly .

"don't you talk to us like that young lady !"my dad shouted and took a step forward ,i stumbled back .

suddenly ,i heard loud footsteps running and travis came out from the stairs in  some other boxers that i wasent wearing .

"who's this ?!"john said angrily .

"her bodyguard "my mom and dad said in unison .

i looked at my parents faces closely,their eyes in particular.i could always get somewhat of an idea what people were thinking by their eyes ,also their eyebrows .i saw my moms pupils look me up and down ,focusing on travis ' boxer shorts and the marks on my neck .at the same time ,my dads flicked up and down travis and then he turned his shoulder slightly to look at john .then both their eyes landed on my face at the same time and i heard my mother gasp and saw her fists clenched at her sides .my dad looked between us again ,confused .then i saw the very moment he figured it out .

"you had sex with him taylor !"my mother screamed .

"what if i did ?"i asked trying to sound confident.

"this is so bad for your image "my dad sighed and rubbed the sides of his forehead.

"yeah ?well i don't give a fuck about my image anymore !"i spoke  loudly and saw travis lift his eyebrows and i think even a small smirk appeared ok his face .

"language "my father said and shot me daggers .

"obviously you don't !you haven't been seen with men in awhile and that's good ,now your just sleeping with you bodyguard?!at least try and play a little hard to get taylor "my mother said looking smug .

i could not take all this anymore .i just need them to back off .and there's only one way i think they will actually leave .

"yes i fucked him !we went out to dinner and then came back here and had sex all night long .is that what you wanted to hear?!"i said in an irritated tone and i sighed loud at the end of my statement .

they both took a step back looked mortified and my mother shook her head disappointedly .

"this is NOT who i raised you to be "she said before spinning on her heel and storming  out .

"just ...poor john "my dad said and rubbed johns back as they walked out my apartment slowly .i scoffed and slammed the door behind them .

"wow "travis said and chuckled :

"yeah well i'm glad you find it funny "i said taking strawberries out the fringe and putting them on the island .i sat on a stool infrount of them and began eating them .

"you want one ?i asked travis who was staring at me eating the strawberries so i assumed he wanted some .

"nope "he said and sat across from me ,still shattering glass with his gaze .

"will you stop staring at me "i giggled nervously .

"nope ".he said and drank from his mug .

"it's creepy "i said and he got closer to me and pushed the strawberry's away from my reach .i didn't even try and grab them back .i just looked up at him doe eyed .

"you look good in my clothes "travis said seductively and ran his fingers over the edge of the shorts .

unable to get words out at the moment ,i mumbled something  agreeing  .

"and with my marks on your neck"he said ,voice low ,all the oxygen i had left got sucked out my lungs when he brushed my hair again and ran his fingers over them and kissed my bruises delicately .

he sat down on a stood and i walked over to him slowly ,not breaking eye contact for one millisecond .

i sat down on him ,wrapping my legs around him and crossing my ankles behind him .i put my hand on his chin and lifted his neck up and i started lightly kissing his  jawline .he responded in moving his arms around so him hands rested firmly on my ass while i kissed all over his face and neck gently .

"look at me "he said firmly .i did just that .he put his right hand in my hair and pulled our lips together .it was light at first but grew more heated once our tongues were involved .

"i want to hide here forever with you"i panted against his mouth and he moved our body's closer and pushed our lips apart so our eyes pierced into eachother .

"then be my guest "he said and smirked making me also smirk and continuing where we left off .


sorru this isn't too good guys .not got too much ideas to write with atm

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