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"Mama...why is she shouting?" I ask my mama who just smiles at me. "She wants you to marry her son and I said that you won't do so. Thus she is indignant over me," he says it in a very unbothered tone.

"But why mama? Why can't I marry him? He behaves sweetly with me and aunt too is very kind to me," he stands up while giving me a soft gaze.
"Do not trust anyone easily Mozhi. Especially those that are extraordinarily sweet to you. Their intentions aren't always innocent," I frown, not understanding his motive.

Aunt has always been nice. How can I not trust her?

Ferociously, my aunt steps inside our home with her son, Giri. I follow my mama as he approaches them, nonchalantly. "Yes?" He questions calmly.

"How dare you try to separate Mozhi from us for once and for all" Aunt yells at mama but lends me an earnest gaze. I step forward to go towards her but mama's hand blocks me from further advance.

"Get out of here when I'm being generous," Aunt and Giri glance at mama with fierce eyes at his mean comment. "Mama," He hisses and bestows me a look that has me shut my mouth.

"Look, we are not here to create an issue. Just give us our Kanimozhi and we will be out of here..." Aunt signals me to come to her and when I move forward again, mama locks my wrist with his fingers and pulls me back to him.

"It's not happening woman. Get out," Aunt prevents her son who tries to come towards mama upon his indecent words. Why is mama being way too cold?

"Kanimozhi, do you want to come with us? Are you okay with marrying my son?" Aunt asks me naively and I nod my head at her in positive. "Yes athai, (aunt)" I vocal out which renders mama's hold to tighten on my wrist.

"You heard it? Didn't you? She desires to be with me and I have every right to marry her. She is my morai ponnu!(the female cross-cousin) leave her to me," Giri steps towards us and tries to hold my hand but mama suddenly makes me face him.

"Mozhi, they are taking advantage of your innocence. They are not good people ma. This guy here wants your wealth, not you," Mama says and the genuineness in his eyes has me feeling confused.

I stare toward my aunt who shakes her head with tears brimming her eyes. I cannot believe mama's words even though he seems honest. Aunt has never been a bit harsh with me and treated me like her own daughter.

"And who told you that I don't want her?" Giri smirks at mama and sees me from bottom to top and before I can comprehend anything, Giri has fallen to the floor with blood oozing out from his nose and mouth. Mama punched him!

"Mama, why did you do that!?" I love mama the most after my mother but what he did is cruel!

I don't know why mama is so adamant about not marrying me off to Giri. He is a nice guy.

And If I do not marry my cousin, Giri, then mama would spend years of his life taking care of me cause I know he loves me dearly and also, this will certainly give him a chance to escape from marriage!

Which is why I wanted to be on my aunt's side and marry Giri.

"Don't be a dumb Mozhi! He has ill motive towards you! Didn't you just notice--God what am I going to do with you!" He growls to himself.

"You don't have to do anything with me, mama. Just let me go. I will marry Giri and stay here in my birthplace merrily," Mama glares at me.

"You will suffer If I do that Mozhi!" He stresses out angrily. On the other hand, my aunt is crying while clutching her son who is bleeding out.

"We will bring the police here! You are holding a girl against her wish and you hit the people who come to her rescue! We know how to deal with people as egoistical as you. Kanimozhi, don't be scared, we will come to fetch you. You will marry my son, right?" I nod to aunt hesitantly. She is going to bring the police here? Wouldn't they arrest mama for he have assaulted Giri?

"Athai, don't go to the police, please. I apologize on mama's behalf...sorry," Aunt rubs away her tears before replying to me. "Seri (okay) Kanimozhi, I'm forgiving him for your sake..." I lend her a thankful smile and tilt my head to mama.

"I told you Athai is a good person! Even after you have hurt her son, she forgave you for me! You still think she is evil?" Mama offers me a deathly cold look but I still continue speaking.
"I'm 18 mama. I have the right to marry whoever I want to! And I want to marry Giri and live with him. You don't have to worry about my life mama!" And a searing slap lands on my cheeks.

"Shut up!" He yells and tears leave my eyes without any restraint. "You barbaric man! How can you slap that little girl?" Aunt comes to aid me but mama yells at her too. "If you don't get out now, I will not just slap you but drag you and throw you out of this house. And mind you, the Village inspector...he is my close friend and If I ask so, all your family will be thrashed around and swung into jail for even possessing the mere thought to use my niece's naiveness for your benefit!" he tells it with such an amount of vexation that my aunt and her son scrambles away without looking back.

"I will not come with you to the city!!" I say between my sobs, angered by his words and attitude towards me and my relatives. He has never once raised his voice at me and now he slapped me just like that...

"Only If mom was here...you wouldn't have done it, would you?" I stutter, my heart shrinking at mom's absence.


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