ChApTeR 2: tHaT bIg UgLy BuIlDiNg?

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The Hellcarrier flew in the night sky, Steve had already gone to follow Natasha something regarding Loki being in German. You and Bruce are doing research on the Tesseract. Almost 2 hours the two of you are in the lab and you both seem to get along well. Sometimes the two of you will be silent because you are too focused on work and sometimes the two of you will chat about science or things that are happening now. And you couldn't help but laugh at Bruce's face the moment you said you weren't human.

Bruce seemed scared of you at first, but after you reassured him several times that you were not an evil alien, he finally relaxed. On the other hand, he asks a lot of questions about your kind. And this makes you happy to share about the way of life of your species. Things that should not be mentioned are left out.

After a long time you both worked and chatted, finally an agent came and told you both to come to the conference room. You put your sonic screwdriver in your pocket after showing it to Bruce. Well, Bruce knows that you can't mention what technology is in your sonic screwdriver so you just tell him what your sonic screwdriver can do. Simple. As soon as you and Bruce got to the conference room, you both noticed that there was a new person in the room.

A tall and strong man. Stronger than Steve in comparison and also has long blonde hair. He also wears some kind of armour on his body. But what makes you stop in front of the door of the conference room is the man's eyes that remind you of something.

Bruce walked in and stood behind the chair with his arms crossed while you with your eyes fixed on the armored man walked in and sat next to Natasha.

Seeing everyone there focused on watching the video between Fury and Loki in the hologram, you then leaned towards Natasha and poked Natasha a little who seemed to be thinking. Natasha jerked out of her reverie and looked at you.

"What is it?" Natasha asked confused.

You nodded your head towards the armoured man who was standing.

" new member? " you asked raising one eyebrow.

Natasha saw where you were nodding where the armored man stood in the middle of the conference room. Though he seems to be deep in thought and seems to be listening to the conversation between Fury and Loki deeply. Natasha nodded her head.

"yeah, bumped into him on the way here. Seems like he has a problem with Loki" said Natasha and showed the live footage of Loki in the cell standing facing Fury.

You looked at the live footage that Natasha showed you. That's the Loki you adored a few thousand years ago. He used to be a child who was quite curious about everything and innocent until now he has turned into a man who is crazy about the throne and power. This is not the Loki you know.

'he's still interested in the color green, eh'

Seeing the live footage, you immediately looked at the armoured man with wide eyes. Thor Odinson. Brother of Loki Odinson. No wonder he is on earth. He used to be an energetic child with energy and now he has turned into a brave and strong crown prince. It's been a while since you've seen them both.
This is the second time in the last few hundreds of years that you have finally met them again. Only if they still remember you.

"How desperate are you, that you call on such lost creatures to defend you?" Loki said in his husky voice slowly. His tone of voice is a little intimidating.

You turned your attention to the hologram in front of you immediately and narrowing your brows trying to concentrate and listen to the conversation. And why does Loki seem to be interested in Bruce or more specifically Bruce's other self. The big green monster that rages no matter what.

"How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war,you steal a force you can’t hope to
control, you talk about peace and you kill ’cause it’s fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did."Fury replied in an almost angry tone of voice. He slowly approached the glass cell.

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