ChApTeR 4: dIrTy PlAnS

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After you both felt that you were far enough away from Thor and Hulk, you suddenly stumbled forward and groaned in pain. Natasha quickly caught you before falling to the floor and slowly lowered you to sit on the floor. You groaned and arched your head up and let out a painful breath.

"what's wrong?" Natasha asked with a concerned expression on her face. Eyebrows arched together.

You groaned. "Don't worry, it's just my regeneration energy trying to heal the bruises and cuts that I have. I'm still in the 'cooking' state so it hurts a little bit. Probably there are some ribs and broken bones after the Hulk smacked me to the walls" You breathed out slowly .

Nat looked at you with concern. Her hands shaking probably her adrenaline has disappeared and now all panic and nervousness appear in her body language. She then nodded her head and sat next to you.

Then, your right hand starts emitting a violet-yellow light then it starts spreading to the spot that has bruises and cuts. You closed your eyes while Nat looked at you with wide eyes and amazed. As soon as the violet yellow energy had made sure that all the injuries had been healed, it began to subside. It's beautiful yet so confusing for her

Nat shook off her reverie and looked at you with wonder. "so, you really are an alien? What do you mean regeneration?"

you puffed a big breath. Relief after the pain in the body is disappearing. "You and your curious nature. Yup, Time Lord actually. Well for me it's Time Lady. It's cool, isn't it? Regeneration You see, what I mean by regeneration is that I can cheat from death with it. It could happen because of severe illness, old age, fatigue,or injury. It could also be invoked by choice, whether voluntary or involuntary. It also has a limit, you see every TimeLord/Lady their maximum life is 13 and this is my fourth life. I still have 9 lives left. However, I don't want to waste my life"

Nat just nodded a little as a sign of understanding and then she leaned against the big chest with horror on her face. Her hands were visibly shaking and that made you notice it.

You then slowly hold Nat's left hand and gently caress her hand trying to calm her down. "hey, you're okay. We're both okay.. We're safe. Yeah?" you lowly said to Nat trying to reassure her.

Nat is speechless and held your hand tightly. After that, you two were silent for a while. There is no sound around the two of you. But suddenly the Hellcarrier seemed to lurch to the side with a force that made you both jerk and slide to the side. You both gasped and managed to put your hands in front of you and managed to prevent hitting the metal walls.

You groan and pushed yourself to sit up. "whatever it is, it sure makes you want to curse at everything."

Nat grumbled in agreement. "it sure did make me want to curse at everything."

"you good there, Nat? can i call you Nat.. Just Nat because it's quite brilliant, you know."

"Yeah, I'm good. Doc" Nat replied.

You puffed out a small breath. "You know, right now I should still be running away from Sontarans and then The Tardis will make an unnecessary comments because I didn't listen to his warning and then Bounty will wheel around me and make some sort of noises as if he doesn't agree with the Tardis' comments." you chuckled.

"I didn't expect that I offered my help to Fury and it turns out like this" you added.

Nat looked at you confused by what you said. "You didn't expect to come to earth?"

"crash, actually. 15 jumping through space to space and crash to earth. Rough journey, as you say." you scrunched your face and blew your lips in boredom. "pretty sure the Sontarans are a bit grumpy right now"

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