The Box

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The next day... The pups woke up early to do the usual work before anyone needs of help or rescue due to this it gave lots of free time for the pups to enjoy while waiting. Chase and Ryder were in the basement doing some chores till they returned and showed them what else they found. "Hey pups look! it's the other boxes from your puppy pasts" yelled out Ryder as the others began to run over and take a look. Rubble, Zuma, Rocky and Skye was given their stuff Rubble got his old squeaky chew toy, Rocky got his favorite chewable working tools themed toys with even his recycled pillow, Zuma was given his old toy surfboard and his orange pacifier and lastly Skye was given her old toy plans and her old favorite blanket. Marshall came and noticed his friends gathered and asked. "What's happening here?" and gasped as he suddenly got flashback of his favorite fire hydrant themed chew toy and his very own fire rescue theme blanket. They all enjoyed sharing and expressing their thoughts about there pasts till they noticed Chase not having that much. "Uhhh Ryder? why isn't there more stuff for Chase?" asked Skye. "Oh yeah?! isn't he suppose to have another one?" the fire pup exclaimed. "Hmm let me see if I can still remember where I left Chase's stuff" Ryder questioned and went back down. till eventually a few minutes later he carried a box. Chase was certainly confused or even saddened from seeing so as it might have reminded him some of his harsh past but shook his head trying to stop any negativity and looked at the bright side till Ryder opened it and he shows a bit of a shy blush. There was a pink pacifier, a light pinkish themed blanket and some of his police themed toys. "Huh? isn't that Skye's stuff?" asked Rocky as he pointed at the pink pacifier and pink blanket. "Actually that's Chase's, Skye wasn't around just yet and we had this stuff and it's gonna be a waste if we can't use it. So I told Chase to use it or even just have it from time to time. He did cert-" Ryder explained but got cut out as Chase grabbed his police stuff but left the pink pacifier and blanket and went to his pup house. "R-right-..." Ryder sighed. "What is it Ryder?" Zuma asked "Well- ever since Chase took his job seriously he has drastically changed unlike the time he was comfortable of using or being with these items" pointing at the stuff left on the box. Besides the pink pacifier and blanket but there's also princess themed poofy pink diapers, onesies and much more. "Woah! you mean Chase likes these stuff?" Rubble asked with a snicker. Skye gave Rubble a unimpressed stare and made rubble awkwardly stop. "Well- he was certainly okay with it. We didn't have anyone else to use it and we don't want to waste it, so I asked Chase to use or even let it be with him for quite some time. After some convincing he eventually started to do so, He wore the diapers when I told so, he uses the blankets and stuff he even uses the diapers. At first I thought he liked being or having them but as having all of these work and changes happen he eventually stopped doing so because he is afraid of bringing up his soft side." Ryder sighed softly. "Soooo... is there a chance we can bring it back to him?" asked Skye. "Huhhh???" the others replied in shock. "I mean can you imagine. Let's say rubble loves digging right, then imagine Ryder told us we are no longer allowed to dig as much in the lookout or else you will be in big trouble. Won't you suddenly stop digging or even doing it?" Skye explained. "Woah..." Rubble softly whined and understood the given meaning or idea of what Skye was trying to mean. "Skye does have a point.. But- I'm mot sure if Chase is gonna you know- even wanna do it again" Ryder said in a worrying tone. "I mean sure you can put it that way but it doesn't mean It'll always work out- its kind off hard to understand Chase these days- he may think that were just embarrassing him with these stuff, let alone make him think bad things" Marshall replied saddened "Well we can at least try for Chase" Skye replied in a positive tone. Meanwhile, Chase has turned to the next page of his book and began to write his own thoughts about what he just saw. "W-Well, i guess it was not that surprising to uhmm gulp see it again-, It has been a while since- i had put them, Wow... how time flies Chase began to sigh deeply and teared up guessing- still kinda missed the old days... I can still remember the first time Ryder asked me to wear and use them... they were soo comfortable and pretty- cant really disagree on that. Guess it was just a thing i went through, i am a Pup now and don't need those" Chase ended his writing and looked back at the Police stuff that was apart of the pinkish princess box and smiled softly remembering the good old days. Skye and Marshall came and brough the boxes near Chase's pup house and hid it on the side and started to knock on his door. "Chase? its me and Skye" Marshall knocked on the door and called out in a soft tone, to the pups surprise the door opened on its own as it wasn't locked and as it opened they just see a tired pup in bed with a tear on his eye while hugging his favorite plush toy resting. "I feel bad for even asking about Chase's stuff now..." Skye whiled softly. "Its alright Skye lets give Chase some time to rest maybe we can talk to him when he wakes up for dinner" Marshall cheered Skye up as they kept the box hidden behind Chase's pup house and left him to rest.

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