Individual Caretakers (Rubble)

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"Hey guys, i think it's about time we take turns getting to know a little bit more of Chase... and this stuff. So i have decided who's taking turn of takinf care of Chase and its going to be... Rubble!" the dalamtian announced with glee as he lead Chase to their youngest pup Rubble a bulldog which made the pup squeal and giggle with so much happiness which made Chase blush from such a reaction but either way, its going to be interesting. "Alright Chase- i- uhh mean- *saying with his baby voice* ittt bitty princess" he said teasingly, which made Chase fluster but slightly annoyed. Rubble and Chase went to the backyard near the big tree which over look the adventure sea, they boh sat on the edge, dangking their feet and felt the slight gust of wind go against them as fresh air. "So uhhmmn... what are you- gonna?" the shepherd tried to intiate from the quiet environment which Rubble responded "Oh? we-well... i'm not actually asking anything.. *shy giggle* w-well maybe one... question... and i hope you take no offense Chase. P-Please?" the young pup made a starry puppy eyes which made the shepherd soft yet alarmed but he then sighed. "I won't... as long as it doesn't get out of hand" he sternly responded. "W-welll... h-ows it feel? to be like small or get treated like this again?" Rubble asked with a cheery tone. "I- uhhh.. its fi-ne... but i didn't expect it would happen again-" Chase blushed and rubbed his head. "I get you, sometimes... i always look up to you, you know? You are always so strong and so composed, i just want to be like you... meanwhile me... i-im the youngest out of all of us... and sometimes it kinda sucks because i get teased all the time... and treated to small..." the bulldog whined "W-who teases you?" the shepherd ask as he rubbed Rubble's back "I-its just friendly and family teasing tho- d-don't worry. After doing all of this stuff... with the princess stuff and the baby... it- kinda reminded me that i'm just very picky... what i just described is something that is like Love? I-its not that you didnt get any love or anything" he nervously reassured "But what i'm trying to say is... i think... i know... why y-ou liked the stuff..." Chase raised his ears and was curious "Go on?" which made Rubble sigh "I-its probably because of like, your past and stuff... i mean seeing you struggle back at Adventure City... was so scary and new to me. I-It felt like, you became the sudden youngest pup in our group... and theres nothing wrong about it. But seeing how we both... y-you know got abandoned.. and we both walked on streets and had to live and survive just to get lucky and end up as what we are now, thanks to Ryder. I think i get it... i'm already being treated and taken cared of as a youngest and seeing you as the eldest who is never really been through the experience that way... If i was in your position and i was the eldest... i would like to go back being treated like a puppy again too... just to experience and see how it's like... to live the life perfectly." Rubble sighed and gave Chase a hug tightly which made Chase realize and process what the young pup has said made so much sense and pointed out what truly made him get into it so much, his heart pulsing with so much emotion but he kept strong and only returned the hug to the bulldog and shed a tear from the empathy. "And now, i am given the chance... to do exactly as what i just said. You are the youngest now... and i can be the eldest.. well for today at least and i want to make it as perfect as i want you to be. Just someone who is looking to heal his childhood by going back to how its like to have a perfect childhood..." Rubble and Chase looked at the sun setting against the sea which made Chase lean his head over Rubble and the bulldog put his arm around Chase back holding his shoulder. "W-ow... i-i never knew- y-ou felt that way.. Rubble" Chase lowered his ears "Its alright Chase" they both smiled as the cold breeze warned as the night has started to rise. Which made both the pups to get up but then Rubble noticed a trail of yellow sliding on Chase's diaper legholes which made him act fast as he picked up Chase and entered his pup house. Closing the door and placing a changing mat on the floor. "Aww, did the princess became too shy to tell that he was leaking?" Rubble giggled and grabbed the supplies as during the serious talks they had with each other Chase had to pee several times due to his urges of his emotions trying to stop showing but once he gets confortable and open he usually forgets about his bowel movements.

One diaper change and puddle cleaning later...
Chase was now laying on the changing mat with a new triple layered yellow diaper with construction prints like tools, trucks on it. "T-hanks.. for talking to me... Rubble..." the shepherd sheepishly blush and looked at himself with the new diaper look, whicgc made the bulldog hug him with a giggle "Don't forget about puddle cleanup" with a wink which made Chase blush from embarrassment "Its alright princess, this diaper should hold, as it is constructed to deal with leaks like you always do princess" he smirked and giggled wagging his tail. Chase flustered and rolled his eyes from the tease as Rubble laid out a cute onesie with looks like Rubble's uniform, Rubble helped Chase get into the onesie. A few minutes of helping Chase fit the onesie due to the immense layers and thickness of the diapers. "Tada, hehe you look so ready to build those diapers on your pail and fix any leaks princess" the bulldog giggled, as they both laid on the floor and played with some construction trucks and things. Until a knock on the door came. "Who could that be..?" Rubble got up and opened the door... "Hey Rubble just a reminder, get the princess to sleep after your construction playtime alright?" the mixed breed instructed and giggled. "Of course, i wont forget it Rocky... im assuming you're gonna be the next one to take care of him?" the bulldog reassured. "Yep, and its time to eat. So get in the lookout" Rocky then walked back in. "Ohh boy, Dinner! Race ya princess-. oh wait- nevermind" he giggled as they both went out together and walked in having their dinner and slept on Rubble's place.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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