The Talk

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Chase is still asleep from the last action scene he had experienced with his best friend which now is his Daddy, Marshall was awake and spooning his little princess Chase having his arms around the chest and stomach part to cuddle till it was about time to wake him up. "Wake up princess, I think it's about time we get you changed after last night?!" he giggled and gave Chase a little rub which in response a groan and yawn from the tired pup as he turned around and saw Marshall facing him, locked in a cuddle position and with a smile. "Hehe, did you sleep well princess?" he asked Chase could barely respond from the shock of Marshall still with him in bed then Marshall came close and used his nose to boop Chase back to reality "Hello? Earth to princess *giggle* still not getting over this new treatment? or last night?" he teasingly tone with a smug look "B-both-" Chase shyly respond with a soft blush. "Well you better get used to it then!" cheerfully said and got up as he got some supplies and brought next to Chase "Mind if you raise your little legs for daddy princess?" he teased in a baby tone voice "Hmpf-" Chase flustered and pouted from the tone of his voice and did not listen "Awh don't be embarrassed, ill do it myself then" Marshall untaped the diaper off of Chase and wiped his private parts and butt clean, wrapping it up in a ball and throwing it in the trash. Marshall slides a very poofy thick pink diaper that has a lot of frilly girly designs on the leg holes and princess pink girly prints on the diaper and slides it under his butt, powedering a lot with the addition of rubbing some rash cream then taping the new found diaper. "But since daddy is loving you today and is generous i might do this hehe" with a devious thought, Marshall grabbed another thick poofy diaper same as the one Chase is wearing and add it making it 2 layers of extra poofy thick diapers at this point Chase could not for the sake of his legs get them to touch as the layers and poof force them to separate from each other. "W-What?! H-Hey thats not fair!" Chase argued with a slight blush and tried to get up but failed due to the large diaper size with a giggle Marshall helped Chase to get up and responds "It is fair cuz daddy said so princess. So you have to wear it" he smirked and grabbed the same leash Skye used then attaching it to Chase's custom collar "Time for breakfast Princess Chase lets go!" he playfully said and pushed Chase off the bed, Chase was not having it tho he got mixed responses from it he is angry cuz he can barely stand on his own from the size of the diaper, he is so happy from the feeling of comfort and how poofy the diaper is and embarrassed on the diapers designs but he had no choice so he had to follow along but tripping on the way to the door. "Oww- i can barely walk with these" he said in an annoyed tone "Awh, dont be so fussy princess. Here" Marshall grabbed Chase and carried him all the way inside the lookout. They were then greeted by Zuma and Rubble "Good morning Marshall and Good morning our itty bitty princess puppy" Rubble said in such a teasing and cutesy voice Zuma on the other hand helped Marshall to carry Chase "Rocky! Skye! The princess is on his way for his royal breakfast!" Rubble yelled out as he prepared the food and water bowls same goes for Rocky and Skye which they prepared the food and water. "Wowie Marshall dude, you really packed a lot of diaper on Princess Chase we can barely balance him due to the diaper" Zuma giggled and he took the part of Chase's poofy diaper and bottom while Marshall took his body and head carrying him. "And here we are!" Marshall said as Skye came in clutch and put a flower pillow in front of Chase's bowl for him to sit on. Marshall and Zuma placed him on top of the pillow and balanced him "Sit still princess hehe your so poofy!" Zuma tried to assist Chase "Its not my fault! Marshall did this and went all over board!" in an embarrassed annoyed tone which was immediately shut off by Skye giving him a lick "Awh, Cranky princess whenever he does not have his breakfast" she giggled in awe. Chase blushed and rolled his eyes as Rocky finished setting all their breakfast. "Eat up pups!" Ryder called out while sitting on a bean bag near the tv area watching the commotion happening. All the pups endulged on their breakfast which was amazing. "Alright, time to do the business!" Skye exclaimed till Ryder came in and placed his plate "Do you pups mind if i talk to Chase, sorry Princess while you guys do yoir chores?" with a wink and giggle while he picked up Chase rather easily. "Of course Ryder!" they said in unison and with that Ryder went to the elevator with Chase and it wrnt up. At this moment Chase was silent and out of his mind confused, afraid and more his feelings and expressions of his mind and heart differ from how he is being treated he could not comprehend it al. Till the silence got cut off ny the elevator ding and Ryder placed him on one of the bean bags. "Hey Princess!" with a chuckle and sigh as he sits next to Chase and scratched him "How's the experience so for on your end Chase?" he softly asked and rubbed his back "W-ell... i-its like-" stuttering from confusion yet confliction of his thoughts and emotions truly hard to tell. "Its like- what we did... before bu-t like i was okay- cuz it was mostly you, not many. I-its kinda.. i dont know embarrassing doing this again?" his response was indeed conflicted and honest. "Well- whats on your mind, i know the pups are having fun with this treatment and they do everything to make you happy and all but how about you?" he asked "W-ell i am happy, cuz like i get to try this stuff again- but you know maybe this got a little bit out of hand?... like all of this outfits and uhh" he then pointed at the new custom collar "this stuff, i mean i understand they want to help me but i dont want them to work hard so much for me you know..." he hesitated with a soft sigh and gave Ryder a hug. Ryder hugged in return rubbing his back "Hey its alright Chase, i know it was just in the past and all but the others seem to enjoy it as much as you are. Granted beside them treating you as a princess of sorts is a switch up from our usual routine before but... do you like the new routine?" Chase was quiet for a bit "I-i do?, im okay with it but its like... not the same i- used to do?" a deep breath and response "You mean like how i actually treat you as a puppy before? whats different from the pups and me?" Ryder curious and holding his paw "W-ell besides the pups working together just for me, thats just it. They are doing it just for me... to be like happy.. not for everyone? Unlike you and me before, we just do it from ocassions but it was mostly because it was for the both of us to be happy, not just me..." he sighed and shed a tear hugging Ryder "Oh Chase... even when you've grown your still that little princess puppy i so adore to care and be with so much arent you" he sighed with a smile "I'll talk with the pups about it okay Chase for now, how about we do somrthing for old times sake" with a giggle Ryder grabbed a bag that Rocky brought up top with Chase's supplies and placed a pacifier on his mouth then went in the balcony. "I know your still conflicted about everything ever since we met at Adventure City... i mean even i am. We have done all of this, all the rescue and name we made all over Adventure Bay it really puts a lot on me too. When i saw the pups enjoy doing all this to you it reminded me of us before but this time it feels like we have a even bigger family even tho we are not related in sorts. But the point is... just always remember cuz in the end, you are a part of who i am, me and the pups will support your dreams or whatever's in store more than anything. And if you want this to be just our thing for now, of course but just remember, when ever you're in trouble?" Ryder teared up and soft sighed as Chase dropped the pacifier "J-ust yelp.. for help" in deep breaths and cried hugging Ryder.

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