Princess Treatment

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Chase has woken up from yesterday's happenings but as he rubbed his eyes he was presented with a crib like handle bars near his bed side while having the pinkish blanket in his paws and his pacifier was still in his mouth nursing on it, to be honest he missed so much nursing on his pacifier as it helped him calm down and made him very happy about it so having to do it was bliss. He then stood up on his bed until Skye came in and giggled "Morning princess puppy" she teased in a good way which made Chase blush then he looked down as his princess poofy pink diaper had a little bit of yellow in the front, it was a first for him to actually wet himself without any notice so he was super embarrassed about this situation so in return he tried his best to lower the dresses skirt down to hide it but it failed. "Awh did my princess wet his diaper when he was sleeping?" she giggled and gave Chase a head pat and lowered the handle bars and assisted him down "It's alright princess we have accidents too" she assured and patted the diaper Chase was stunned and flustered as such treatment and name Skye was choosing for him "B-ut Sky-" he was then silenced "Ah ah ah, remember no complaining this is a good thing okay? like we talked about yesterday" she responded and grabbed Chase's collar while replacing it with a custom themed pink princess style with a star shaped yellow pup tag with a crown on it. "I know it's strange and embarrassing now but everyone pitched in to help out okay?" she comforted Chase and made him sit down on the sofa "I-i know that Skye but, it was just something i did, not really i liked" Chase tried to argue back "Hmm i guess that also means your tail is lying huh?" as she pointed at Chase's tail that's wagging happily made Chase grunt and sigh "Stupid tail" he angerly responded "A tail does not lie Chase, and we promised you remember? we understand now and we liked you to also understand why we are doing this. Because we care for you too" Chase couldn't argue with his feelings and thoughts anymore as he was genuinely being supported and treated as what he liked before. He teared up a bit and hugged Skye "Thanks... Skye, you pups are the best" he sighed in relief and accepted the change although not that fast but he will slowly adjust and do so. "That's mommy for you princess" Skye corrected him and sat him down again "Now that you understand what we are trying to do, we are setting the rules here okay?" she strictly said which made Chase take a gulp "O-okay" he nervously responded "Well don't worry its not that bad plus we aren't gonna make it hard cuz you are suppose to enjoy this. You will start calling me Mommy while i call you princess, it also applies to the other pups including Marshall as he will be your care taker and Rocky will be there to assist too. You must keep wearing all of the stuff we put you on okay? and of course it only applies here in the lookout when there is a mission where you are needed you can change back. The pups and Ryder already knows so they won't treat you differently on how we treat you so do not worry. Relax and Enjoy yourself now okay? this includes the *other* enjoyment we noticed" she described the conditions further and clarified "Is that alright with you princess?" Chase had to process the conditions and set out plans as it took him few minutes he came to the decision "I guess it's worth a shot who knows i might like it. Thanks Skye" with a heavy sigh he accepted the set up plan "Uh uh uh, what did i say princess?" she corrected and gave Chase a smack in his diapered butt which made him blush bright 'I... i- y..yes.. m-ommy" he weakly stuttered in shame "That's much better princess" she gave his snoot a kiss and giggled "Now since that diaper of yours seems to only be used a little bit you can still wear them they should be able to last a while before we do, So why don't we go to the lookout for breakfast huh?" She asked "Yeah, i am starving" he giggled and walked to the door until he was stopped by Skye by her grabbing him by his collar and latching a pink leash on it and grab a held of it. "Uh uh uh, puppy princess must walk with a leash on" with a bit of dominant tone which made Chase flustered and made his little friend that is trapped under a garment grow a bit but then he was tugged by the leash "Come on now princess, breakfast is waiting" she giggled and guided his pampered puppy to the lookout which they were greeted by their dalmatian and mix breed pup "Hey Skye, awh did our princess puppy finally wake up?" Marshall came close to Chase and gave his diaper a pat "Yep he's hungry and needs breakfast" Skye replied as Rocky went to the kitchen and returned "Here comes the tasty breakfast, make way for the princesses meal" Rocky giggled and announced as he placed it in front of Chase "Here you go, pretty puppy" with a snicker and bowed down "Well princess, what do you say?" Skye giggling and patted Chase "T-hanks R-coky" with a embarrassed and stuttered response "Hehehe that's daddy Rocky and Marshall for you princess" he replied with a tease and giggle "If you ever need anything just call for us alright princess?" Marshall explained and sat down next to Chase and the others sat too while eating their breakfast together. As the pups ate their breakfast Ryder came down bringing his plate and placed it on the sink "Aw good morning pups, and good morning Princess Chase" he giggled and gave Chase's head a scratch "R-Ryder-.." the shepherd sheepishly flustered as he did not expect even their leader to be doing his part in their plans too. "What? it fits your look. Just before" Ryder approved and gave the flustered pup a wink. "Why don't we finish our breakfast and head back to your pup house to get you changed... and also deal with your little friend" Rocky giggled and patted the front of Chase's diaper as it had a little something peeking out the softly padded pants. 

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