Individual Caretakers (Marshall)

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This chapter will mostly be focusing on the relationship between Chase and Marshall and this new found mechnism the pups has found but do not worry, i will be making a new chapter per pup in the original six but i might add others depending on what i am able to deam or create of for the meantime enjoy this Charshal one

"Hey Princess or *ahem* heh.. Chase, uhh can you come with me in my pup house for a second? it's about this entire thing we are tryna do..." the dalmatian whispered softly on the gentle ears of the shepherd as Chase could only nod and waddled on all fours due to the thick pamper that Ryder had put on him then followed Marshall to his red firetruck pup house, As he opened the door for Chase to enter and closed the door then Chase sat on Marshall's fire fighting themed blanket and bedroom decor, Marshall sat next to him. "Hey Chase... uhm... You doing alright after all of this stuff we did? i know like this is a big deal... we didn't mean to interupt or invade this... side of you. I... Me and Skye was just-" before being cut off by Chase "Being snoopy around the stuff i did before-" the shepherd grumply responded and looked away which made the dalmatian softly whine and hug his back. "No no no, not at all. i promise it's just not about that or anything. I told you... this was not something we did.. to make fun of you..." Marshall rubbed his arms and looked down. "It's just... rare to see you... like this... you are so strict and serious all the time, not to mention you are always so stick to what you want or do like. You do all of this stuff when Ryder is not around, being the one in charge of taking care of us and being so over protective with everything every now and then. But when there are times where i get to see you- *gulp* do or say... anything besides so serious and so in order like the time you were worried about Skye... it feels like you are just hiding or forcing yourself to be someone else just to keep yourself together..." awkward silence grew and wafted in the air until it was cut off by the shepherd. "I was doing it to protect you, i was doing it to protect everyone. I am doing this for myself abd my job and reputation here in Adventure Bay... I wanted this to be perfect as much as i can as what Ryder did back then in Adventure City. I wanted what's best for myself and Ryder..." the shepherd softly sobbed and rubbed his eyes trying to stop his emotions from showing as much to his best friend. "Chase.. y-you don't have to-" tried to emphasize "I NEED TO... If it wasn't for Ryder... i would've preferred myself to be gone... I was abandoned for a reason Marshall... and I DON'T KNOW WHY..." *sniff* *sniff* The light blue eyes of the dlmatian glistened as tears grew and grabbed a hold of the shepherds front paws and hugged him tightly while gently rubbing his back. "Chase... stop doing that, what you did here and before has been amazing and you did what you can.. Who gives a pup treat about those people who abandoned you. What matters now is You, doing what you did to not make us feel abandoned and do everything to not feel that way... For everything you did here and all of it is perfect and already enough payment to Ryder... He doesn't want anyone repaying him anything unless its favors but YOU are NOT a favor... Y-You're... an amazing pup... a great co leader and the best thing Ryder have come acrossed" The shepherd was silent and only leaned himself on the shoulder of his dalmatian friend and cried his tears his ears were perked down from no longer holding back against his emotions. Marshall kept rubbing Chase back and grabbed one of the firefighting themed pacifier on his cabinet and slowly plopped it against Chase's mouth for him to nurse and use to calm down. "There there Princess... just nurse on that till you recover. I'll always be here to help... just like Ryder did..." Chase eventually slept from exhaustion of his emotions and Marshall properly laid him on his bed and putting some railings on the side of where Chase is laying down but then his floppy ears heard some *hiiissssssss* as he looked back he saw Chase shivering and wetting himself which was a bit more than what he expected as Chase was wearing a double layer but i guess it was the right call. Marshall laid down next to him and spooning him with his arms wrapping around the nervous pup which eventually calmed down from the sense of comfort from the dalmatian friend slowly nursing on his pacifier and Marshall tucked them both in the blanket and slept.

A few hours later...
Marshall woke up from Chase squirming and rubbing his eyes the wet pamper wrapped around his waist was  bit cold now and uncomfortable as the dalamatian yawned rubbing his eyes and gently rubbing the sleeping shepherds head which made him at ease then Marshall grabbed the usual changing supplies. Marshall did the usual manuever to clean up the diaper and his bottom and private parts then powdering then fnally securing three new layers of a firefighting themed diaper with fire, red, and trucks on it then threw the old wet one in the diaper pail and gently shooked Chase. "Hey Princess, it's time to wake up..." he giggled as Chase yawned and rubbed his eyes but was a bit surprised from a new feeling on his waist which made his legs feel the new garment shyly blushing. "Hehehe yeah, daddy changed you while you are asleep Princess... or should i say Chase" the dalmatian winked and giggled. As both of them left the pup house and went to the lookout for the usual breakfast.

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