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Harry's Pov

I walked into the bar just down the street. The smell of cigarettes and liquor invaded my senses right away. I needed some source of release. Maybe I could actually have fun tonight instead of worrying about the loads of work I had to do. Sititng down, I ordered myself the harshest drink I could think of and took a sip. The warmth flushed through my system and I let out a throaty groan. I tousseled my curls and swooped them to the side of my face. For some reason this remeinded me of Jenna, she always loved the way I would mess up my hair and put it back into place again. I felt a warm sensation prick at the corners of my eyes. Not now, don't think about Jenna now. Taking another drink, I instantly relaxed into the bar stool. I took in my surroundings, I don't know what I was looking for exactly, just looking. But when I saw her, I knew she was exactly what I was searching for.

A large puff of cigarette smoke apperead from the door, followed by the most beautiful, exotic woman I had ever seen. The way she walked, so confident. She adjusted her long, dark hair to one side, the wavy locks cascading down to her petite waist perfectly. Her slightly freckled cheeks were a subtle contrast to her otherwise flawless tan skin. I was taking in her large brown eyes when her stare caught mine, her pale thin lips turned up into a smile as she looked into my wandering green eyes. This girl was absolutely stunning. She took another drag of her cigarette and walked to where I was sitting. I smiled and watched her as she sat next to me.

"Well, hi there stranger"

Her voice. It was angelic.

"Hello, Beautiful"



FIRST FANFIC! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment! I will continue when i get 1 comment!


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