Chapter 2 Bye Harry

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Lennon's POV

After our little encounter, Harry and I exchanged numbers and chatted for a bit longer. I found out that he is 22, paints like Picasso, has a great sense of humor, lives with his best mate, has one sister, and is in between girlfriends. The girlfriend subject was a little touchy with him, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. I told Harry my life in a nutshell. He learned that I was 21, I write like it's going out of style, I'm fluent in sarcasm, I live with my best friend, and I don't have a boyfriend.We talked in the sleazy little bar until about 1 in the morning. We were both plastered from the many drinks throughout the night, so we shared a cab. Everything seemed to be funny at this point and half the ride was just us laughing at pointless things.

"Byee Harreh. Call me tomorrow or else", I slurred, narrowing my eyes trying to be intimidating. He just laughed and winked. Giving me one last goodbye kiss on the cheek, I opened the door and got out. When I entered the condo, my roommate, Rachel, was reading a book on the sofa.

"Excuse me young lady, where have you been?", she said in a condescending tone, bringing back memories of when I lived with my mother.

"Out", I walked to my room and gave Rachel a smirk before I entered. Changing into my pajamas, I heard Rachel burst in.

"TEL ME EVERYTHING!" Rachel yelled. She really was my best friend. Rachel is one of those people that is stunning but doesn't see it, she is kind and can always lift up my spirits when I need her to. Her eyes were alight with curiosity so I indulged her in every detail of tonight. I looked into her eyes the whole time and I could see the excitement bubbling up in her hazel-green orbs. "You guys have to do it. Are you thinking the occasional booty call or a long time sort of thing?"

"RACHEL MARIE WILSON, I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT!" I screamed hitting her with a pillow, "definitely a long time thing, I mean if he even calls" I spoke softly, trailing off.

"Of course he will babe. You're everything a guy could ever want. Now get some sleep, you are gonna be sooooo hungover in the morning and we have the book signing to go to!" Shit, I completely forgot about that. Rachel kissed my forehead and left the room. Sleep instantly clouded my brain and the last thing I thought about was Harry. When will I see him again?



Short chapter, I know :( I will start making them longer if I get more readers. Right now it's a little slow because they just met each other but it will get better! I promise! There will be some saucy parts too ;) so stay tuned! Thanks for reading! 1 more vote and I will write the next chapter!


p.s. follow me on twitter! @wayfaringwanker <3

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