Chapter 1 Nice To Meet You

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Lennon's POV

"Hello, Beautiful", Harry's raspy tone filled my ears.

My heart skipped a beat. I had barely just met this guy. I didn't even know his name and he already called me beautiful. I ordered my favorite drink and set it down on the bar. I looked up at the most handsome man I had ever seen and decided that we should be acquainted

"Lennon", I said holding out my hand. I had an odd name, my dad picked it out. He was kind of a Beatles freak, it was either McCartney or Lennon. Luckily he went with the latter. 

"Harry", he said grabbing my hand and placing a delicate kiss on the back. He looked up at me through his eyelashes as he did so and the simple action sent butterflies flying in my stomach. 

"Quite the gentleman I see", he chuckled and I took a sip of my light beer, "it's very nice to meet you, Harry". 

"And you, Lennon".

I took another swig from bottle but it slipped from my clumsy fingers.

"Shit!", I cursed. The bottle hit the bar and shattered, sending glass and beer all over harry and I. Harry let out a laugh as I held my head in my hands.

"My god Lennon, there is a huge chard of glass in your finger!", Harry said a little too frantically. I winced in pain as he grabbed my hand.  "Let's go to the bathroom and get this taken care of". My heart raced at his touch. We got up and he led me towards the men's restroom. He looked around for a minute and then looked back at me. The corners of his mouth turnt up a little. Unexpectedly, he grabbed my at the waist and lifted me up so I was sitting on the sink. I felt nice in his arms even if just for a split second. Tending to my wound, he made small talk.

"What do you do for a living, Harry?", his name felt just right rolling off my tongue.

"I own a gym, but I'm an aspiring artist", he said with a wink. Well that explains why he's so damn buff. God, he's hot. The way his eyebrows furrowed when he concentrated made me giggle, the little line that apperead in between them when he focused was so cute. "Enjoying the view?", his voice broke me out of my thoughts. Drat! Caught staring. As he moved his skillfull hand across mine making sure he got all the glass out, I found myself inhaling the sweet smell of his cologne. Harry let out a breathy laugh and I could tell he knew what I had just done. I looked away, trying to prevent myself from further embarassment. Looking to my left, I caught a glimple of myself in the mirror. Yuck. My clothes were beer stained and my hair was wet with the smelly liquid. I looked like a mess. Harry finally finished and stood up. His curls had fallen out of his place so he fluffed them three times and swooped them to the side. Reaching out, I pushed his curls to the other side of his face making them stick up and go crazy. I laughed and so did he. When the laughter died down, he put his hair back into place and adjusted a peice of mine behind my ear. Biting my lip, I looked into his green eyes. They looked so farmiliar yet I barely just met him. I got lost for a secongd just before I felt Harry's torso brush against my legs. He looked at me as if looking for reassurence. I leaned in a little and he met me halfway.

We made connection and for a second I forgot we were in the men's restroom at a bar and I was kissing a guy I just met. It was just him and I. Eyes closed, lips moving slightly toghether. Just him and I. I could taste the liquor on his breath but it just made the kiss sweeter. I put my hands on the back of his neck and his rested on my waist. It was perfect. We pulled apart when we heard the door open and a very drunk man walked in. I got down from the sink and grabbed Harry's hand. We walked out of the bathroom and back into the bar. Stopping, we just looked at eachother and laughed slightly.

I just kissed Harry in the bathroom.

I just kissed this man in which I've never met but i feel as if I've known him my entire life.

I just kissed Harry.

And it was beautiful.



I really hope you like this story so far. Thank you for reading and let me know what you guys think. Song for this chapter is Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran.



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